

Our S1-3 course is planned to provide pupils with a broad coverage of Curriculum for Excellence Level 2/3/4 depending prior achievement. S1 pupils attend Maths in mixed ability classes for the first term. Using class assessments, homework and teacher judgements these classes are then broadband set, ensuring each child is in class working towards the appropriate level. Pupils working levels are continuously assessed and monitored, movement between classes can happen at various parts of the school year to ensure every pupil is reaching their potential.

We also focus on developing Numeracy Skills within our BGE course, incorporating Sumdog and Numeracy Ninjas into our lessons.


In this course there is an emphasis on skills development and the application of those skills. Pupils are required to pass all 3 units and the final Added Value Test in order to achieve a course award.


The general aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ numerical and information handling skills to solve straightforward, real-life problems involving number, money, time and measurement. Learners will also interpret graphical data and use their knowledge and understanding of probability to identify solutions to straightforward real-life problems involving money, time and measurement.

Applications of Mathematics: Managing Finance and Statistics

The general aim of this Unit is to develop skills that focus on the use of mathematical ideas and strategies that can be applied to managing finance and statistics in straightforward real-life contexts. This includes using skills in budgeting as well as skills in organising and presenting data, to explain solutions and/or draw conclusions.

Applications of Mathematics: Geometry and Measures

The general aim of this Unit is to develop skills that focus on the use of mathematical ideas and strategies that can be applied to geometry and measurement in straightforward real-life contexts. This includes using skills in interpreting and in using shape, space and measures to determine and explain solutions.


The overall aim of the course is to develop a range of mathematical operational and reasoning skills that can be used to solve mathematical and real-life problems.

The course develops important mathematical techniques, which are critical to successful progression beyond National 5 in Mathematics and many other curriculum areas.

The course comprises of Numeracy, Geometry and Measure, Finance and Statistics. National 5 Apps can be achieved by sitting a final examination in May made up of two papers: Non Calculator and Calculator.


The Higher Applications of Maths Course allows pupils to develop real life skills in Finance, Statistics, Data Modelling and Project Planning. The course includes the use of software to model and analyse real life problems. The course consists of a final exam (73%) and a project (27%). For the project, pupils will be given the opportunity to use real life data from an area of personal interest (e.g. football, medicine), and complete a statistical investigation using this data set. This is a relatively new qualification and contains the same weight as any Higher.


The overall aim of the course is to develop a range of mathematical operational and reasoning skills that can be used to solve mathematical and real-life problems.

The course develops important mathematical techniques that are critical to successful progression beyond National 5 in Mathematics and many other curriculum areas.

The course is made up of three units: Applications, Expressions and Formulae and Relationships. National 5 can be achieved by sitting a final examination in May made up of two papers: Non Calculator and Calculator.


Personal Finance is predominantly an online course that aims to improve financial literacy through focus on two main areas: Principles of Money and Money Management.

Principles of Money improves knowledge around income sources and methods of pay, how to store and access money, budgeting and opening bank accounts, and foreign exchange.

Money Management covers topics such as insurance, pensions, calculating bills, borrowing money, and buying and selling.

Both modules are assessed online via SQA Solar, with the option to re-sit if required.


The Higher Mathematics course develops important mathematical techniques which are critical to successful progression beyond Higher level in Mathematics and many other curriculum areas. The skills, knowledge and understanding in the course also support learning in technology, science, and social studies.


The Advanced Higher Mathematics course develops existing knowledge and introduces advanced mathematical techniques, which are critical to successful progression beyond Advanced Higher level in Mathematics and many other curriculum areas. The skills, knowledge and understanding in the course also support learning in technology, science, and social studies. The importance of logical thinking and proof is emphasised throughout the course.