Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to St Andrew's and St Bride's High School

I am delighted to welcome you to our website. We are very proud of our school and our hope is that by browsing here for a few minutes you will gain an insight into our community and our aspirations for all of our young people.

Our school vision influences everything that happens in our school:

As a Catholic school of faith and learning with Gospel values at our core, we strive to ensure that all members of our community are treated with respect and dignity, in a safe, caring and nurturing environment to become the best versions of themselves, using their God given talents to make a positive difference to the world.

We believe providing high quality learning and teaching experiences and opportunities to develop through participation in wider achievement endeavours all underpinned by strong, positive, nurturing relationships within our community give our young people the best chances of success. We believe in having the highest of expectations for all our young people and working consistently to ensure that who our young people grow and develop into is just as important as what they achieve and progress onto at the end of their journey with us.

We also believe that positive partnerships with young people’s families are crucial to the success of any school. I hope that you find our website to be an attractive and accessible source of information and guidance and that you enjoy finding out about some of the opportunities and supports we have on offer.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School. 

Warmest wishes,

Barry Quinn