
Chemistry is the study of matter and the chemical reactions between substances. Chemistry explains the links between the particulate nature of matter and the macroscopic properties of the world. Chemistry research is essential for the development of new products including perfumes, plastics and fuels. The chemical industry plays a major role in Scotland’s economy.

The National 4 and 5 Chemistry Course reflects the Curriculum for Excellence values and principles. Learners will:

Develop an understanding of the role and impact of chemistry in everyday life;

Study relevant applications of chemistry;

Research scientific issues including their impact to the environment and society.

S3 Broad General Education leading to National 4 and 5 Chemistry in S4

BGE leading to National 4 and 5 Chemistry in S4

S3 Broad General Education leading to National 4 and 5 Chemistry in S4.

In S3 and S4 the chemistry course has been developed to allow students to experience an experimental and investigative approach to develop knowledge and understanding of chemistry concepts.

The course content includes the following areas of chemistry:

Unit 1: Chemical changes and structure

In this area, topics covered are: rates of reaction; atomic structure and bonding related to

properties of materials; formulae and reacting quantities; acids and bases.

Unit 2: Nature’s chemistry

In this area, topics covered are: homologous series; everyday consumer products; energy

from fuels.

Unit 3: Chemistry in society

In this area, topics covered are: metals; plastics; fertilisers; nuclear chemistry; chemical


Homework tasks are designed to encourage an inclusive approach to home based learning where parents can become involved in helping the pupils research and consolidate their learning. Many tasks will lead to group work within class or talks to allow them to discuss their experiences.

For N4 Chemistry assessment takes the form of 3 end of topic tests in line with the content of each individual topic.

For N5 Chemistry, assessment takes the form of small end of topic tests throughout the course as well as an S3 exam in May, a prelim exam in December before the SQA exam in April/May in S4. The department runs a weekly supported study, every Wednesday lunchtime,

Higher Chemistry

The Higher qualification in chemistry extends learners’ knowledge and understanding that may have been initiated through N5 chemistry.

Pupils will develop knowledge and understanding of the physical and natural environments, through a wide range of topics including chemical reaction rates, enthalpy and patterns in the Periodic Table. A further two units allow students to appreciate the importance of organic chemistry in understanding the main synthesis routes in the pharmaceutical and plastics industries. Consequently Hess’s Law and redox reactions complete the course.

Students must pass three unit assessments and a prescribed practical activity in order to be credited with a complete course award. A pass in the final exam could allow the pupils to continue to Advanced Higher in S6 or open up many career opportunities in the scientific world.

Advanced Higher Chemistry

The Course serves to equip all learners with an understanding of the impact of chemistry on everyday life, and pupils will develop their knowledge and skills to become scientifically literate to reflect critically on the scientific world about them. By using the knowledge and understanding of detailed chemistry key areas, learners will become confident in their ability to continue to have an enquiring mind with regard to any chemistry they will meet. This also allows learners to make their own reasoned decisions on many issues within a modern society increasingly dependent on chemistry, science and technology.

The relevance of chemistry is highlighted by the study of the applications of chemistry in everyday contexts. The purpose of the Course is to build on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed by the learner in Higher Chemistry and to provide a useful bridge towards further study of chemistry.

Pupils have to pass three unit assessments and a prescribed practical activity in order to be credited with a course award. Pupils also have to complete a practical investigation which allows the pupils to research a chemical topic through practical experiments and must be written up and completed for SQA marking.

Click the blue dots below to meet the Chemistry staff