Design and Technology

Design & Technology (BGE)

In S1-2, this course provides a range of innovative topics where they are challenged to develop their knowledge and understanding of design, and their creativity and problem solving skills. Topics that are included are manual graphics, 3D modelling, practical woodwork and various design and manufacture projects. These topics prepare our pupils for our subjects offered in S3 and onwards, such as; Design and Manufacture, Graphic Communication, Practical woodworking.

National 4 and 5 Graphic Communication in S4

This course pupils are taught how to read, interpret and create graphic communications. They will develop skills in spatial awareness and visual language. And, will gain skills on how to use graphic communication equipment, software and materials effectively. Pupils will also study the impact of graphic communication technologies on our environment and society.

The course comprises two areas of study.

2D Graphic Communication

3D and Pictorial Graphic Communication

In these areas of study, pupils will:

· Develop creativity and skills within a 3D & 2D and pictorial graphic communication context

· Initiate, develop and communicate ideas using graphic techniques in straightforward and familiar contexts

· Develop their skills in less familiar or new contexts

· Develop 3D & 2D graphic spatial awareness.

The course assessment has two components; a question paper and an assignment. For the assignment component, Pupils will be asked to create a set of preliminary, production and promotional graphics in answer to a brief and produce evidence of how Pupils planned and evaluated their work. The assignment component will be set and externally assessed by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved across all course assessment components.

National 4 and 5 Design & Manufacture in S4

This course provides a broad practical introduction to design, and materials and manufacturing processes. Pupils will develop design skills, as well as skills in making models, prototypes and products. They will also gain knowledge and understanding in the life cycle of a product; from idea through design, manufacture, and use, including its disposal or re-use. Pupils will learn relationships that exist between design factors such as aesthetics, function, economics and the environment.

The course comprises two areas of study.


In this area, pupils will:

study the design process from brief to design proposal

develop skills in initiating, developing, articulating, and communicating design proposals

gain an understanding of the design/make/test process and the importance of evaluating and resolving design proposals on an ongoing basis

develop an understanding of the factors that influence the design of products.


In this area, pupils will:

study the manufacture of prototypes and products

develop practical skills in the design/make/test process

gain an appreciation of the properties and uses of materials, as well as a range of manufacturing processes and techniques

evaluate and refine design and manufacturing solutions

gain an understanding of commercial manufacture.

National 4 and 5 Practical Woodwork in S4

The Practical Woodwork course has been developed to allow students to develop and enhance their practical, creative and problem solving skills. They will gain experience in the workshop through using a range of tools, equipment and a range of woodworking materials. Pupils will develop an awareness and adhere to safe working practices in a workshop setting. As well as gaining understanding of environmental issues and good practice in recycling in a woodworking context.

The course comprises three areas of study.

Flat-frame Construction

Pupils will:

learn how to use woodworking tools

make woodworking joints and assemblies commonly used in flat-frame joinery. Some tasks will involve complex features

be able to read and use drawings and diagrams depicting both familiar and unfamiliar woodwork tasks.

Carcase Construction

Pupils will:

make woodworking joints and assemblies commonly used in carcase construction. This will involve some complex features and may include working with manufactured board or with frames and panels

use working drawings or diagrams, including unfamiliar contexts that require some interpretation on the part of the learner.

Machining and Finishing

Pupils will:

learn how to use common machine and power tools

learn a variety of woodworking surface preparations and finishing techniques.

The course assessment has two components; a question paper and a practical activity.The practical activity will be a model set by the SQA. Pupils will be assessed by a visiting SQA assessor. The question paper will be set and externally marked by SQA. The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved across all course assessment components.

Higher Graphics

The skills pupils learn in this course are useful in many career areas including Architecture, Surveying, Engineering or Design and Marketing.

The course consists of two areas of study.

2D graphic communication

Pupils will:

creativity and presentation skills within a 2D graphic communication context

initiate, plan, develop and communicate ideas graphically, using 2D graphic techniques

develop skills and attributes including spatial awareness, visual literacy, and the ability to interpret given drawings, diagrams and other graphics

evaluate the effectiveness of their own and given graphic communications to meet their purpose.

3D and pictorial graphic communication

Pupils will:

develop creativity and presentation skills within a 3D and pictorial graphic communication context

initiate, plan, develop and communicate ideas graphically, using 3D and pictorial graphic techniques

develop a number of skills and attributes including spatial awareness, visual literacy, and the ability to interpret given drawings, diagrams and other graphics

evaluate the effectiveness of their own and given graphic communications to meet their purpose.

The course assessment has two components; a question paper and an assignment For the assignment component, Pupils will be asked to produce a piece of graphical work in response to a brief.

Higher Design and Manufacture

The course consists of two areas of study.


Pupils will:

study the design process from brief to design proposal

develop skills in initiating, developing, articulating and communicating design proposals

explore and refine design proposals using the design/make/test process and by applying knowledge of materials, processes and design factors to reach a viable solution

develop an understanding of the iterative nature of the design process

develop an understanding of the factors that influence the design, marketing and use of commercial products.


Pupils will:

study the manufacture of commercial products

develop knowledge of materials, manufacturing and production processes and strengthen their understanding of how these influence the design of products

develop the knowledge and understanding required to develop a viable design proposal for a commercial product and to plan its production.

The course assessment has two components; a question paper and an assignment. The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved across course assessment. For the assignment component, Pupils will be asked to apply their design skills to develop a proposal according to a set brief.

Advanced Higher Graphics

The course comprises two areas of study.

Technical Graphics

Pupils will:

develop and creatively apply the graphic communication knowledge, skills and understanding which directly support graphic designing and communication activities in the various contexts of technical activities

experience graphic communication in technical detail through exploring the purposes, applications and audience requirements

use a range of knowledge and skills through manual and/or electronic-based communication activities

explore the use of detailed 2D and 3D graphics in modelling, graphic visualisation and technical/mechanical animation in relation to technical activities.

Commercial and Visual Media Graphics

This unit is particularly relevant for those with an interest in the broad commercial and visual media use of graphics which might include presentation work, magazines, newspapers, informational manuals, static promotional work, website page layout, graphic design, advertising and point of sale, digital media, games, animation, expressive arts, electronic-based learning and advertising.

Pupils will:

explore a range of effective commercial and visual media graphic communication activities and their application in the fields of publishing and promotion

develop graphic design skills, with an expectation of review, evaluation, amendment and presentation

develop a deep understanding of the needs of the intended audience.

The course assessment consists of two components; a questions paper and a project. For the project Pupils will be asked to develop a solution to a complex graphic communication task. The grade awarded is based on the total marks achieved across course assessment. Both the question paper and the project are set and externally marked by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).