Parent Information


Getting it right for every child, (GIRFEC)


Getting it right for every child, (GIRFEC) is a national policy and programme which is implemented in Lanarkshire.  The Scottish Government introduced GIRFEC as a long term programme; it is relevant to each and every child in Scotland, and reaches across children’s and adults’ services in the public and voluntary sectors to ensure there is firm commitment and drive towards achieving better futures for all of our children and young people.

GIRFEC promotes key values in working with children and their families across all agencies and is based on core components which will help bring these values about.

The programme calls for all workers in health centres and hospitals, nurseries, schools and leisure centres, family centres, social work services and housing offices, and in the community to work together towards changes in culture, systems and practice that will help all children and young people to grow, develop and reach their full potential.


Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) was promoted and endorsed by the Scottish Government at the Children’s Summit in 2010. There is a commitment to ensure that your child has the best possible start in life and to improve outcomes for children and families based on a shared understanding of their wellbeing. Most children make their journey from birth to the world of work supported by family and the universal services of Health and Education. The Named Person in education helps to make sure that the child’s wellbeing is developing.  The school will let you know the named person for your child.  This is likely to be the Head Teacher in a primary school and the pupil support teacher in a secondary. If you have any concerns you should speak to the Named Person who will work with you to address any issues and to ensure that your child gets any help needed at the right time.

Parent Council

Schools and establishments should be the first point of contact for parents who wish to discuss issues about their child.  Our aim is to resolve issues at a local level.  Education Resources wishes to promote liaison among schools, members of Parent Councils, parents/carers and with other services.  We wish to provide advice and support to Parent Councils, parents/carers.


All enquiries and concerns received from parents are taken seriously.  In order to ensure that enquiries are dealt with effectively contact should be made in the first instance with the school.


The Parent Council of St Andrew’s & St Bride’s has a role to play by promoting partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents. The Council seeks to develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils with a view to working in partnership with the school to maximise the learning and achievement opportunities for all our children. The Council meets usually every second month of the academic year with a Parent Forum, to which all parents and carers are invited, which is held twice an academic year in order to find out what has been happening in school, to raise any concerns regarding matters of policy with the Senior Management Team and to find out what can be done by parents to help the Senior Management Team and the school life. There is also an active fundraising committee who are always on the lookout for help and ideas in their various fundraising efforts. The Council would encourage as many parents as possible to attend the Parent Forums, which are advertised through the school, Twitter and this website. Forums tend to be held in October and April.

Scottish Action For Mental Health

Here is a list of the available online workshops with SAMH. I have also discussed doing something specifically for our parents but I will keep you posted on this.

The following evening online workshops are coming up this term and all will run from 6pm until 7.30pm:

25/4/24 – Listening to and Supporting My Child (LTASMC)

2/5/24 – Mental Health Awareness (MHA) 

9/5/24 – Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety (UMSA) 

14/5/24 – Managing My Wellbeing (MMW) 

23/5/24 – LTASMC 

28/5/24 – MHA 

5/6/24 – UMSA 

10/6/24 – MMW 

20/6/24 – LTASMC 

Parents can book tickets for these sessions on our Eventbrite page: and we will get an email out to our parents/carers by Friday to inform them of these events.

Free Online Mental Health Workshops for Parents

20/05/2024   Managing My Wellbeing                                                 1.00pm

22/05/2024    Mental Health Awareness                                               10.00am

22/05/2024    Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety  12.00pm

23/05/2024    Listening To And Supporting My Child                        6.00pm

27/05/2024    Understanding and Managing Stress and Anxiety  10.00am

28/05/2024   Mental Health Awareness                                               6.00pm

29/05/2024    Managing My Wellbeing                                                 12.00pm

30/05/2024   Listening To And Supporting My Child                        1.00pm

If you wish to book any of the sessions, please use the link below to do so.