
National 4 and 5 Physics

The National 4 Physics Course enables learners to develop the ability to solve problems and establish relationships in physics by acquiring a broad knowledge base, practical skills and basic mathematical skills.

The course includes 3 units: Dynamics and Space, Waves and Radiation, Electricity and Energy The course also includes an Added Value Unit, this involves the student carrying out research including experimental work and presenting their findings.

All work is internally assessed.

The National 5 Physics Course enables learners to develop a deeper understanding of physics concepts and the ability to describe and interpret physical phenomena using mathematical skills.

The course includes 6 units: Dynamics, Space, Waves, Radiation, Electricity, and Properties of Matter. The course also includes an externally assessed Assignment, this involves the student carrying out research including experimental work and presenting their findings.

There is an externally assessed final exam.

The National 4 and 5 Physics Course reflects the Curriculum for Excellence values and principles. Learners will:

• Develop an understanding of the role and impact of physics in everyday life;

• Study relevant applications of physics;

• Research scientific issues including their impact to the environment and society.

CfE Higher Physics

The Higher Physics Course develops learners’ curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for physics in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are developed throughout the Course, and the relevance of physics is highlighted by the study of the applications of physics in everyday contexts.

The course includes 3 units: Our Dynamic Universe, Particles and Waves, and Electricity. The course also includes an externally assessed Assignment, this involves the student carrying out research including experimental work and presenting their findings.

There is an externally assessed final exam.

The CfE Higher Physics Course develops and builds on skills, knowledge and understanding from National 4 and 5. Learners will continue to:

• Develop curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for in a range of contexts and understand the relevance of by studying applications of physics in everyday life

• Develop skills of scientific inquiry and investigation;

• Develop the ability to think independently, creatively and analytically.

CfE Advanced Higher Physics

This course develops further the skills and abilities of those pupils who have passed the CfE Higher physics course. The course consists of the following units:

• Rotational Motion & Astrophysics (full unit);

• Quanta and Waves (full unit);

• Electromagnetism (half unit); and

• Investigating Physics (half unit). Externally assessed

• There is an externally assessed final exam.