St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s offers a unique approach to the planning and delivery of RE and PSE. We integrate the development of PSE into our RE curriculum, with the influence of our Catholic Ethos permeating all aspects of RMCE (Religious, Moral and Citizenship Education). A clear relationship exists between Religious Education and the Personal and Social Education of pupils. It is appropriate therefore, to make use of natural links, which exist between This Is Our Faith, RERC and Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practices.

Our courses are delivered by RE Specialists, Guidance teachers and Generalist RE teachers, coordinated and led by the Principal Teacher of RMCE, Miss Vannini.  

A robust visiting speaker programme will enhance the curriculum by furnishing a qualified specialist point of view.  This includes inputs from the Police and Fire Services, Arkeen Theatre, local charities, our school Chaplain, SPUC, and finance education delivered by the Stewart Ivory Foundation.

Aims of RE

The aims of our RE curriculum, are synonymous with those in This Is Our Faith and Education Scotland’s RERC Principles and Practices.  In summary, our RE courses are designed to:

•        develop their knowledge and deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith

•        investigate and understand the relevance of the Catholic faith to questions about truth and the meaning of life

•        highlight, develop and foster the values, attitudes and practices which are compatible with a positive response to the invitation to faith

•        develop the skills of reflection, discernment, critical thinking, and deciding how to act in accordance with an informed conscience when making moral decisions

•        nurture the prayer life of the individual and of the school community

•        understand and appreciate significant aspects of other Christian traditions and major world religions

•        make a positive difference to themselves and the world by putting their beliefs and values into action.

In addition to the core RMCE curriculum, pupils also have opportunities to develop in faith by way of various liturgical events throughout the year and our comprehensive retreat programme.  Learners have opportunities to put their faith into action by way of departmental fundraising for Mary’s Meals and SCIAF, and through a vibrant long-standing Fairtrade club, as well as through the Mary’s Meals Prayer Group and Rosary bead making club.

Aims of PSE

The aims of our PSE curriculum, taught within the interdisciplinary subject, RMCE, are taken from Education Scotland’s Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes paper.  Pupils can expect that through PSE they will be supported to learn to:

•        make informed decisions in order to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing

•        experience challenge and enjoyment

•        apply their mental, emotional, social and physical skills to pursue a healthy lifestyle

•        make a successful move to the next stage of education or work

•        establish a pattern of health and wellbeing which will be sustained into adult life, and which will help to promote the health and wellbeing of the next generation of Scottish children.

Through the PSE curriculum, pupils will explore topics such as:

•        Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing

•        Planning for choices and changes

•        Substance misuse

•        Relationships, sexual health and parenthood.

•        Equalities

In S3, we allow pupils the opportunity to achieve an SCQF Level 4 SQA unit award in Mental Health and Wellbeing: Coping Strategies.  This learning experience not only adds to your child’s portfolio of academic qualifications, but also allows them to learn strategies to build resilience and overcome adversity.  It ensures that all young people are aware of the supports in place to assist them with improving their mental health and wellbeing.

Our Relationships, sexual health and parenthood education programme Called to Love is delivered to every year group S1-S6.  Called to Love materials provide a Christian vision of love and relationships, based on Church teaching, recognising each person’s vocation for love.  More information on this resource can be found here https://sces.org.uk/called-to-love-2/

Although all aspects of a child’s experience at school contribute to personal and social education, the RMCE curriculum at St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s High School offers a fundamental aspect of the education of the whole child.

Liturgical Experiences

As a community of Faith and Learning, Christ is at the centre of all that we do at St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s High School.  We work closely with our school chaplain, Fr. Frank Dougan, our local parishes, our Chaplaincy Committee and RMCE department, as well as with families to foster excellent home-school-parish links.  This occurs by way of Masses, Sacraments, Devotions, charity fundraising and our comprehensive Retreat Programme which allows young people to reflect on their faith journey at key points throughout their school experience.  For example, our S2 retreats to Chatelherault allow young people to reflect on their Vocation and this ties in with their S2 options programme. Through working in partnership between home, school and church, we offer our young people a variety of opportunities to deepen their faith.


Pupils in S1-S4 receive RMCE lessons 3 periods per week, where they work through both RERC and Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes, enabling pupils to receive their entitlement to a broad general education in both subjects in an interdisciplinary format whilst maintaining the integrity of both subject disciplines.  

The influence of our Catholic Ethos will permeate all aspects of the delivery of RMCE.  An example of this is through the S2 YPI (Youth and Philanthropy Initiative) programme in which pupils explore Catholic teaching in responding to social issues in our local communities.  Pupils then research a social issue and charity in their local area, often visiting their charity to do so, and create a presentation on this.  The winning presentation from the S2 group each year will win a £3000 grant for their chosen charity at the YPI final in December.  This allows all pupils to put their faith into action for the good of the most vulnerable in their local communities.  For more information on the YPI programme see https://ypiscotland.org.uk/. 

As part of your child’s RMCE experience in S1-S3, they will complete an E-profile on Google Classroom which allows them to capture evidence of their learning and development, skills progression and achievement through their time at school.  Parents and carers are encouraged to discuss this at home with your child.  Pupils will also utilise various tools on the My World of Work website to help them to prepare for the world of work.  This includes identifying their strengths, qualities and possible career paths.


In S5 and S6 our young people have personalisation and choice where they opt to study either core RE for 2 periods a week, where they study the core learning in This Is Our Faith, or participate in the Caritas Award for 2 periods per week. Upper school pupils also have the opportunity to study Higher RMPS which is taught 6 periods per week instead of core RE.  More detail about Higher RMPS and Caritas can be found below.

We also offer a robust visiting speaker programme for each year group ensuring our young people receive their entitlement to a comprehensive PSE experience.  This includes talks from Skills Development Scotland, the Stewart Ivory Foundation, SPUC (The Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child), Gamtalk Gambling talks, UCAS support and talks on Driver Safety.  This is supplemented by various opportunities for charity fundraising such as our Mary’s Meals Porridge Pledge, our Lenten SCIAF appeal, and various appeals throughout the year for charities including, but not exclusive to St. Andrew’s Hospice, Pancreatic Cancer Scotland and our local East Kilbride Food Banks.

Higher RMPS

Find out more about studying Higher RMPS here:

Why Study Higher RMPS Video

All Higher RMPS lessons, booklets and revision notes are available on:


In studying Higher RMPS, you will develop knowledge and understanding of religious, moral and philosophical issues that affect the world today by: 

•        studying a Christianity in detail

•        developing an understanding of contemporary moral issues and responses surrounding Religion, Medicine and the Human Body

•        studying key aspects of religious and philosophical questions, focussing on ‘Was God responsible for the Origins of Life/the Universe?’

•        exploring questions raised and solutions offered by religious and non-religious perspectives

•        reflecting on these, and on their own experience and views

Pupils develop skills, which are transferable to other areas of study and useful in everyday life, such as analysis, evaluation, research skills and critical-thinking skills.

Plan-IT Plus have identified a number of careers linked to RMPS here https://www.planitplus.net/DocumentStore/Posters2019/RMPSPoster.pdf

In the Strathclyde University 2020 Prospectus, RMPS is listed as a recommended subject for: 

•        Primary Education

•        Psychology and Counselling

•        Philosophy, Politics and Economics

•        Humanities and Social Sciences

•        Psychology and Sport

For the University of Glasgow, Higher RMPS is recommended for their Arts, Humanity or Modern Languages courses.  These include:

Archaeology    English Literature        History             Music              Psychology      Theatre Studies           All languages   Digital Media              Accountancy

Caritas Award

In S6, pupils have the opportunity to opt in to the Caritas Award Programme, allowing for pupils to develop in faith, and put their beliefs into action, thus promoting their ongoing journey in life with Christ. 

The faith witness of pupils is achieved through their active participation in the school’s pastoral and charitable committees: fundraising for Mary’s Meals and SCIAF as well as assisting with the development of the liturgical and spiritual life of the school. For example, S6 pupils have the opportunity to lead prayer services in the oratory with younger classes, deliver workshops at retreats, lead the lunchtime Deacade of the Rosary for Damu Primary School, and some of our musically talented students perform the music liturgy at school Masses.  Similarly, pupils are well supported by their parish Caritas coordinators to develop and use their gifts in a way that witnesses to God’s love in their communities.  Pupils volunteer in their parishes with music, children’s liturgy, fundraising, music liturgy, reading, helping the homeless and many more heroic ventures.

Pupils completing the Caritas award also have the opportunity to gain an SQA SCQF level 5 or 6 Religious Beliefs and Values Award.

For more information on the Caritas award see https://sces.org.uk/caritas-award/)