Interdisciplinary learning is an important element within Curriculum for Excellence. It constitutes one of the four identified contexts for learning; the other three are the ethos and life of the school as a community, curriculum areas and opportunities for personal achievement.

Interdisciplinary learning enables teachers and learners to make connections across learning through exploring clear and relevant links across the curriculum. It supports the use and application of what has been taught and learned in new and different ways. To be genuinely interdisciplinary, learning must support learners in using knowledge and skills from different disciplines and in applying and deepening their learning in relevant contexts, and help them to make real connections across subjects and disciplines, where appropriate.

In St. Andrew’s and St. Bride’s we use learning from different subjects and disciplines to explore a theme or an issue, meet a challenge, solve a problem and complete a final project. This can be achieved by providing a context that is real and relevant, to the learners, the school and its community. We call our Interdisciplinary learning, ‘Integrated Learning Challenges’ or I.L.C.s.


  • A Taste of Scotland. Cultural and Aesthetic Appreciation

  • Fit4life. Health, Wellbeing and Personal Effectiveness


Scotland and the West of Scotland, especially, has the unenviable reputation of being the ‘sick man’ of Western Europe. The recently highlighted concerns of teenage mental health issues and internet safety has also emphasised the need to promote all aspects health and wellbeing. This Integrated learning challenge seeks to explore this issue with the view of identifying the causes of this situation. However, the main focus will be on providing the young people the opportunity to engage with these issues and empower them to make positive choices about their lifestyles and improve their health and well being.

Participants in the showcase-

  • Are more aware of the current situation regarding the health and well being issues in the West of Scotland.

  • Can compare the local circumstances with other parts of the world.

  • Are empowered to improve their personal health and well being.

  • Integrate learning from a number of subjects.

  • Take part in cross curricular and inter disciplinary learning activity.

  • Model the four capacities.

  • Enhance literacy and numeracy skills.

  • Develop skills for life, work and learning.

  • Performance Criteria

  • Participants display and develop the abilities attitudes and competences to-

  • Listen and follow instructions.

  • Work cooperatively

  • Identify links between different types of knowledge.


East Kilbride Enterprise. Creativity, Critical Thinking and Enterprise


A European multinational company is looking to locate a research facility in new technologies somewhere in Europe. Your brief will be to deliver a presentation to an invited audience that convinces the company not only to locate in Scotland but to open their new premises in East Kilbride. If successful, the venture will bring at least eighty new jobs, an estimated extra 1000 jobs in sub contractors and suppliers, as well as provide a boost to the local economy. Can we persuade them to come to East Kilbride?

Participants in the showcase-

  • Are more aware of the factors that influence their lives and community.

  • Integrate learning from a number of subjects.

'Rapid Response' a Disaster Emergency


After last years's disaster in Nepal, newspapers, television and internet have been produced wide spread coverage of the horrific damage and impact of the Earth Quake. Not only were many people killed and injured during the earthquake and immediate aftermath but many more were endangered in the days and weeks following the disaster. This ILC will investigate how the Nepalese Government, people and international community can help Nepal to recover from such a disaster. However, the main focus will be on providing the young people with the opportunity to engage with these issues and help lead other young people to meet the challenges.

Participants in the showcase-

  • Take part in cross curricular and inter disciplinary learning activity.

  • Model the four capacities. ‘Successful Learner, Confident Individual, Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens’.

  • Enhance literacy and numeracy skills.

  • Develop skills for life, work and learning.

  • Be more aware of the factors that influence their lives and how events across the world impact on everyone.

  • Develop skills of communication and team work.

  • Integrate learning from a number of subjects.

  • Take part in cross curricular and inter disciplinary learning activity.

  • Enhance literacy and numeracy skills.

  • Develop skills for life, work and learning.

Performance Criteria

  • Participants display and develop the abilities attitudes and competences to-

  • Listen and follow instructions, seeking advice and assurance as required.

  • Work collaboratively and cooperatively.

  • Express ideas and information.

  • To make reasoned judgements.

  • Be imaginative and innovative

  • Identify links between different types of knowledge