Digital Literacy

One area of development has been on building an understanding of the digital needs of all pupils from S1 to S3, paying particular attention to the PEF cohort. All pupils, parents and carers from these year groups have had the opportunity to complete a questionnaire allowing us to identify potential barriers to pupils learning through digital platforms and where parents are finding it difficult to support pupils in their digital learning.

To support pupils, parents and carers, a Free Bus Travel guide has been created to provide very simple step by step instructions on applying for the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel provided by the Scottish Government. We had been given feedback that the process of accessing free bus travel was a difficult and confusing process for some. In making a simple and easy to follow guide which includes video tutorials and links to all the relevant instructions, we have created a tailored guide which is fully accessible to all. For those of you who perhaps missed it, the link is below.

Staff have also been providing lots of feedback on how they use digital platforms and applications within their subjects and in their everyday teaching. This feedback allows us to see how digital we are as a school and start to plan a consistent digital learning approach throughout the school. Each department has an established Digital Champion which was set up in session 2020-21 who oversees the digital progression and needs of their departments as well as giving input to whole school digital initiatives.

The vision for the PEF Digital Literacy PT's is to secure a positive attachment with learning for children who are affected by factors out with their control, e.g., family circumstances, financial hardship. In removing digital barriers to learning, it will help ensure equity across all learners, ultimately helping close the gap in attainment by building positive experiences for all pupils in teaching and learning.

Mr Hamilton :

Mr Waddell :

2023 - The Story so far.......

We hosted a Literacy/Digital Literacy Evening for S1 pupils and parents on Thursday 8th December from 6-7.30pm.

The evening began with a short presentation in the street area followed by interactive activities in the computing suites. Parents and children engaged in literacy tasks whilst gaining experience of the various digital G-Suite tools we have available in GLOW.

The event was well attended and the participation throughout the evening was great and future events with the same template have already been planned.

The new school website was given a 'soft' launch at the end of 2022 and has been well received across the school community. Parents, pupils and staff have all been involved in the development of our new webpage and it is proving to be a great platform for sharing up to date information about the life of the school, from details about courses, extra-curricular clubs and up and coming events e.g the careers fayre (which allowed us to showcase our brand new announcement banner). Streamlining the digital profile of the school and making our webpage more accessible aids our journey towards being a fully digitally inclusive school community.

Supported study in the Chemistry department has the added benefit of support materials being offered digitally. The Monday lunchtime supported study session is very well attended by targeted S3 and S4 with pupils looking to improve their exam technique, brush up on work from across the course and practice exam style questions.

Utilising Google Classroom, the department have been able to successfully target the needs of all who attend and help keep them on track. A new addition in the works is an online interactive study timetable which guides pupils in their preparation for the final SQA exam. Excellent work from Mrs Allan who has taken the reigns of the session the last few months!