
The Science Council defines science as the following:

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

Scientific methodology includes the following:

  • Objective observation: Measurement and data (possibly although not necessarily using mathematics as a tool)

  • Evidence

  • Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses

  • Induction: reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions drawn from facts or examples

  • Repetition

  • Critical analysis

  • Verification and testing: critical exposure to scrutiny, peer review and assessment.

S1 Science

Working as a Scientist

This topic develops the skills required as a foundation to the courses that follow in S1 and S2.

Living Cells

Living Cells focuses on the use of a microscope, cell function and structure, specialised cells, the reproductive system, DNA and the growth and risks to an embryo.

Building Blocks of Matter

Building Blocks of Matter focuses on the the states of matter and the associated changes between each state. Through practical investigation, students will explore experiments which help explain the arrangement of particles in each state. Students will then learn about the water cycle, the periodic table and a simple model of the atom.


Electricity focuses on explaining the concept of charge, simple circuits and symbols and experiments which take in simple circuits in series and parallel. The topic then moves on the the concept of voltage to the more practical application of household wiring.

Healthy Bodies

Health Bodies focuses on the major organ systems of the human body. The digestive system, the respiratory system and the circulatory system are covered along with practical activities to explain each of their functions. The topic moves on to cover the medical application of technology in health.


Energy focuses on the types of energy, energy transformations, energy from food and energy efficiency. The topic moves on to consider the more practical applications of energy, through the burning of fuels, power stations and renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.

Solvents and Solutions

Solvents and Solutions focuses on the solubility of solutes and investigating solubility through a number of scientific variables. The topic is very hands on with fun experiments which help give an understanding of the concepts discussed.


Microbes focuses on the types of microorganisms in the biosphere as well as how they can be useful to humans. The topic discusses body defence and gives students an opportunity to grow their own microorganism culture.

S2 Science

Our Interdependent World

Our Interdependent World starts by focusing on the gases of the air, investigating burning and practical activities which link the air to combustion. The second part of the course focuses on food chains and food webs, practical investigations into the role of plants on the food chain, photosynthesis before finishing with chemicals in agriculture.

Space and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Space focuses on the history of astronomy, rocket science, life on Earth and investigates whether life is possible elsewhere in the universe. The Electromagnetic Spectrum focuses on introducing the spectrum, investigating light and different areas of the visible and invisible EM- spectrum.

Hydrogen, Metals, Acids and Alkalis

Hydrogen, Metals, Acids and Alkalis investigates the importance of the Periodic Table and sets the scene for a greater understanding of the elements and their interactions with one another. The course focuses on many practical classroom experiments between metals and various substances as well as reactions between acids and alkalis.

Extracting the Earth's Resources

Extracting the Earth's Resources focuses on gaining an appreciation of the resources our world offers humanity along with how we can extract them with consideration for the environment. The course moves from learning about minerals from nature, rocks and finishes with practical experiments around salts from the earth and oceans.

Heat and Forces

Heat focuses on the concepts of conduction, convection and radiation with practical experiments which support understanding of each. The forces topic focuses on forces and their effects, the gravitational force, the buoyancy force and the force of friction.


Biodiversity looks into the characteristics of living things, biological sampling, biological keys, variation in a species and evolution. The course involves all in practical field activities as well as developing an understanding of life on our planet.