Senior Management Team

Mr Alan Cresswell

Mrs Louise McNair

Mrs Eleanor McLaughlin

Mr Brian Nelson

Mr Kenny Slowey

Mr Bryson McGinlay

Mr Alan Cresswell

  • Head of S1

  • S.Q.A. Coordinator

  • Health and Safety

  • I.C.T. Coordinator

  • E.M.A.

  • Numeracy

Mrs Louise McNair

  • Head of S2

  • Primary/Secondary Transition

  • Special Enrolments Coordinator Personalisation and Choice

  • Literacy across the curriculum

  • Coordinator

  • Equal Opportunities

  • Communication

  • Handbook

  • Bulletin

  • Newsletters

Mrs Eleanor McLaughlin

  • Head of S3

  • Inclusion

  • Equity

  • Child Protection

  • Positive Destinations

  • Promoting Positive Behaviour

Mr Brian Nelson

  • Head of S4

  • Parent Information Evenings

  • Resource Management

  • School Website

  • NQT and Student teacher Regent

  • Supported Study Programme

  • Parent Forum

  • Timetabling

Mr Kenny Slowey

  • Head of S5

  • Professional Update and PRD

  • Reporting to Parents

  • AiFL

  • Improvement Planning

  • Self Evaluation Systems

  • Learning and Teaching

  • Pupil forums

Mr Bryson McGinlay

  • Head of S6

  • E-profiling

  • Absence Cover

  • Maximising Attendance

  • Interdisciplinary Learning

  • S6 Citizenship Programme