Senior Competition Rules

1. The Competition is a Society Competition, open to Societies affiliated to the Yorkshire Philatelic Association (YPA). The owners of individual entries reaching the required standard will be awarded a YPA Medal Certificate at the Annual Convention of the Association.

    1. There will be ten classes as follows:­-

NATIONAL CLASS: - A study of the adhesive postage stamps, including revenue stamps

accepted for postal use, of the United Kingdom, but specifically excluding the stamps of the Irish Free State; of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man after postal independence.

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH CLASS: - A study of adhesive postage stamps, including revenue stamps accepted for postal use, issued by countries whilst members of the British Commonwealth, but excluding those from foreign countries and the United Kingdom.

FOREIGN CLASS: - A study of adhesive postage stamps, including revenue stamps accepted for postal use, issued by foreign countries and countries during a period when not members of the British Commonwealth, but excluding stamps of the United Kingdom.

POSTAL HISTORY CLASS: - A study of postal markings, routes and rates. Private posts such as William Dockwra’s Post, Peter Williamson’s Post and circular delivery companies are included

AERO-PHILATELIC CLASS: - A study of philatelic mail, prepared for, or carried by airmail, official or unofficial. Entries may also include material commemorating aerial events and meetings, relevant advertisements, photographs etc., but only as is absolutely necessary.

Mint airmail stamps should not be included.

POSTAL STATIONERY CLASS: - A study of cards, envelopes, wrappers or other forms issued by Postal Authorities, usually but not always with a franking device printed thereon. Stationery printed or used by private bodies under license from the Postal Authorities, and stationery bearing additional postage stamps are also permitted.

THEMATIC CLASS: - The illustration of a theme in which postal material is the predominant element. Apart from the minimum of maps and drawings giving information relevant to the entry, non-philatelic material should be excluded. The study of a single stamp is not a thematic entry and will be disqualified or transferred to another class, at the discretion of the YPA.

CINDERELLA CLASS: - A study of bogus and phantom issues, forgeries, Christmas Seals, advertising and exhibition labels, covers and souvenirs sheets, charity and political labels, and postal stationery cut-outs. Omnibus parcel stamps, carrier stamps, railway and tramway letter and parcel stamps, airway letter stamps, private telegraphs, local off-shore island issues, and postal strike material. These definitions are not conclusive but coins, medals, cigarette and tea cards, train and bus tickets are specifically excluded, except that these, with postcards and other material of an ephemeral nature may be used with discretion to illustrate an entry.

REVENUE CLASS: - A study of mint or used stamps specially issued for revenue purposes. Documents produced for the collection of taxes or fees on various items are acceptable.

SOCIAL CLASS: - A study of the development of social systems or activities derived from the operation of postal systems, social activity or enterprise. Material should include both philatelic and non-philatelic, but related, items. Non-philatelic material should be not greater than 50% of the items. Material must be mountable in the exhibition frames.

3. Each Society may submit only one entry in each class, except that any Society that is entitled to send two delegates to the YPA Management Committee, may submit two entries in each class.

4. All material in an entry and all writing-up shall be the property and work of one or more members of the entering society. Any method of writing-up may be used.

5. Each entry must have a title. The exhibit will fill a 16 page frame measuring 140cm high x 100cm wide. The exhibit may include single sheets not exceeding 29.5cm deep x 24.5cm wide; horizontal double or 11/3 size sheets. The sheets must be numbered in sequence on front or back and protected by removable transparent covers.

6. All entries must be delivered to the Competition Secretary of the YPA not later than a date to be set each year by the Management Committee. This will normally be not later than six weeks before the Annual Convention, and the most convenient date will be the spring meeting of the Management Committee. Societies are therefore requested to fix the dates of their own competitions accordingly. Arrangements must be made for entries to be collected at the Annual Convention and entrants not able to be present must nominate a fellow member of their Society to collect their entry. The Competition Secretary will not be responsible for entries not collected and signed for at the Convention.

7. Each entry must be in a suitable container with the following information clearly inscribed

on the outside. (Labels must be securely fixed with glue or other adhesive, and not with


7.1 Name of Society

7.2 Class entered.

7.3 Title of Entry.

7.4 Name and address of owner or owners.

7.5 Name of person nominated to collect entry if entrant does not intend to do so in person.

8. Judges shall consist of a panel appointed by the YPA. All entries shall be forwarded to the judges under coded identification. Judges shall be barred from entering the competition.

9. Judges will award a YPA Medal Certificate to those entrants achieving the appropriate standard. (For medal standards, see notes later in this section)

    1. Trophies shall be awarded at the discretion of the YPA to the entry achieving the highest marks in each Class. The entry achieving the highest marks in the Competition shall be awarded the Sidebottom Trophy, this being decided by the Senior Judges after a review of the Class winners has been undertaken to ensure that the overall winner was “Best in Show”. If a tie then results,

a person appointed by the YPA shall determine the winner.

An entry that has been awarded the Sidebottom Trophy will not be eligible in future for the Senior Competition.

11. The various trophies will be retained by the winning societies for one year. The winning Society will be responsible for engraving the trophy. The trophies must be returned to the Competition Secretary of the YPA not later than six weeks before the Annual Convention. The most convenient date will be the spring meeting of the Management Committee.

12. Whilst every care will be taken of entries, the YPA and its Officers will not be responsible for them, and entrants must make their own insurance arrangements as appropriate.

    1. The YPA reserves the right to disqualify any entry not fully complying with the rules of the Competition, and in all matters pertaining to the Competition the decision of the YPA shall be final.

13.1 Individual Collectors who are members of a YPA Society may enter an exhibit on their own behalf for the sum of £5. It will be judged alongside the society entries in the relevant class, but will not be entitled to receive a YPA trophy.


14.1 This trophy, awarded by the Roses Caribbean Philatelic Society in memory of the late Thomas Foster, shall be open to any member(s) of any society affiliated to the YPA.

14.2 The trophy shall be awarded to the person(s) considered by the judges to have made the greatest contribution to philatelic knowledge by publication during the three years ending 31st December prior to the date of the award.

14.3 Entries shall be made through an affiliated society and societies shall not be limited as to the number of entries. Each entry shall include any relevant book, article, club journal etc. written or edited by the entrants during the relevant period.

14.4 All entries shall be in the hands of the YPA Secretary by not later than the 31st December of the previous year.

14.5 If the judges consider that no entrant(s) has (have) made a sufficient contribution during the relevant year(s), the trophy shall not be awarded for that year.

14.6 The judges shall be appointed each year by the YPA, from within or without its area, but no entrant or member of an entering society shall be on the panel of judges for that year.