3. Meeting dates

From the 14th September 1948 up until the 9th August 1971 the Society year ran from September to August. In 1972 it became the calendar year, at which it remains.

[Insert image of St Williams College here]

Entrance to St. Williams College and to the Bishop’s Robing Room, the first “open” meeting venue

The 14th September 1948 was the second Tuesday of the month but at the AGM in May 1949 the evening was changed to the 3rd Tuesday except for August when no meeting was held. For the beginning of the 1951/2 season the evening changed back to the second Tuesday. A third change was made for the 1955/6 season – alternative months second Monday, second Tuesday. The reason for this change was to give an opportunity for those members who could not attend on the Tuesday a chance to attend a Monday meeting. These alternative evenings remained until the 1979 season when they reverted back to the second Tuesday throughout the year, on which evening it has remained.

There have, however, been three other changes within the syllabus worthy of note. First the introduction of an August meeting from the 1969/70 season until it was dropped after August 1988. The other from 1995 the introduction of an extra meeting in September each year and in 2000 an extra meeting in April of each year.