16. Annual Dinner

The question of the Society holding an annual dinner was first raised on 6th September 1965 with suggested cost of between 15/- and 20/- (£1.00). Discussions of various venues and dates took place over the next few months and it was finally decided to hold the first annual dinner at the Anisty Hotel, on Boroughbridge Road, York on Tuesday 14th October 1966 at a cost of £1-0-0 per head. Dress dinner jacket or lounge suit, time 7.30 for 8.00pm. it was agreed that the competition winners (the competition having been held on the 8th January) should be presented with their trophy at the dinner.

Annual Dinner 14th October 1966.

Left to Right: Mr D. Hardwick, Mrs J.E. Hardwick, Mrs R.C. Tice and Mr R.C. Tice

No further reference is made to the annual dinner apart from 29 attendees plus guests are mentioned in the accounts for 31st March 1967. Where payments exceeded income by 6/6p.

The second annual dinner followed on Friday 13th October 1967, dress lounge suits. This was held at the York Coffee House in Pavement. The guest of Honour was Mr E E Herman, Head Postmaster of York. Again no further information apart from a loss of £4-10-0 showed in the accounts.

The third and to date final annual dinner was held on 27th February 1979 at the Hilbra Court Hotel, Haxby. No further comments are available.

Annual Dinner 14th October 1966.

Left to Right: Mr Roy Harrison, Mrs R Harrison, Mr Keith Ranns, Mr Geoff Norris, Mr Ralph Peacock, Mr Len Robinson