Events programme 2013

8th January – Member's Evening. "Australia" by A. Ward (1st half)

January - York Coin and Stamp Fair at the Racecourse.

22nd January – Annual Committee Meeting

12th February - Members’ displays - Competition entries to Janet by this meeting please

12th March – 65th Annual General Meeting. Display and judging of Competition Entries. Deadline for submission of YPA Competition entries. Mini-Auction. Note: Maximum of 15 items per vendor. Auction Lot Form

9th April - "Basutoland and Lesotho", Dennis Firth

23rd April - Members’ displays

14th May - “Gibraltar old and new” David Stirrups

11th June – President and Vice President’s evening:

9th July - "The Leeds Philatelic Society Reference Collection of Forgeries" Richard Wheatley:

10th September - "The Postal History of SW Africa", John Sussex

24th September – Min Auction. Note maximum 20 items per vendor. Auction Lot Form

8th October – Members evening, Members’ bourse and Auction viewing

12th November – Annual Club Auction – viewing from 7.00pm, Note: Minimum of £1 per item

10th December – Members’ evening, with mince-pies “Mini-displays of stamps on any subject”