Events Programme 2024

January 6th Informal Society Meeting 10.00am – 12.00 at Wigginton Stamp Fair, Wigginton Recreation Hall, YO32 2PL

January 9th: Members Evening Topic – ‘My latest acquisitions’ 

Jan 19th- 20th Stamp & Coin Fair York Racecourse

February 13th: Competition Night ‘The letter C’. 4 album pages with notations on the letter ‘C’ 

March 6th Informal Society Meeting 10.00am – 12.00 at Wigginton Stamp Fair, Wigginton Recreation Hall, YO32 2PL

March 12th: Annual General Meeting. Mini auction: Note max 15 items per vendor. Please bring items on the night and use entry form on the Society website.

April 9th: Speaker: Mr Tony Plumbe. ‘Southern Nigeria’.

May 4th Informal Society Meeting 10.00am – 12.00 at Wigginton Stamp Fair, Wigginton Recreation Hall, YO32 2PL

May 14th: Speaker: YPS President Mr Robert McMillan FRPSL. ‘Falklands’. 

June 11th: Scarborough Philatelic Society visit to York

July 6th Informal Society Meeting 10.00am – 12.00 at Wigginton Stamp Fair, Wigginton Recreation Hall, YO32 2PL

July 9th: Speaker: Mrs Edyth Knight. ‘Spain Miscellany’.

July 19th- 20th Stamp & Coin Fair York Racecourse

August 13th: Speaker: Mr Mike Kentzer. ‘Scarborough & Whitby Railway’ and 'Mail into Scotland during the 1/2d period'.

September Stamp Fair at Wigginton Recreation Hall is cancelled this month due to the unavailability of the Hall

September 10th: Members evening – topic ‘Flora, Fauna & Creepy Crawlies’!

October 8th: Club auction. Bring your lots on the night. Please use entry form on society website.

November 2nd Informal Society Meeting 10.00am – 12.00 at Wigginton Stamp Fair, Wigginton Recreation Hall, YO32 2PL

November 12th: President & Vice President’s evening.

December 10th: Members evening with festive food. Members’ mini displays on ‘Christmas Carols & Customs’.