2. Meeting Rooms

The first “open” meeting of the Society was held on Tuesday, 14th September 1948 at 7.15pm in the Bishop’s Robing Room at St. Williams College at which venue it remained until 13th July 1964. [A on the map]

St Williams College

On the 14th September 1964 the Society moved to the Lecture Room at the Castle Museum [B] where it remained until 12th December 1978.

The first meeting of 1979, on the 8th January, was held in the gymnasium at the Institute for the Blind, Bootham [C], the last meeting there being held on the 12th December 2000.

The 9th January 2001 saw the Society meeting at the Denham Room, Priory Street Centre [D] where it continues to meet.

So the Society has had just four venues over the past 57 years.

Bishop’s Robing Room at St. Williams College

Priory Street Centre, York