Society Rules 1948

The rules of conduct of the Society.

Recorded at the inaugural meeting on the 19th April 1948

1. The Society shall be known as the York Philatelic Society.

2. The object of the Society shall be to foster an interest in the study of postal history and the collection of labels, cancellation marks, etc. used by the postal authorities of the world.

3. The Society shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month to hear papers on various aspects of postal work, hold exhibitions of stamps, etc.

4. The cost shall be defrayed by an entrance fee of 2/6 and an annual subscription of 5/- per member, payable within two months of the opening of the session.

5. Membership shall be open to persons of either sex over the age of 20.

6. Members shall annually appoint by ballot a committee comprising:- Chairman, Vice-Chairman, 4 Committee men, and Secretary and Treasurer. One auditor shall also be elected. This committee shall have power to co-opt. Any four members of the committee shall form a quorum

7. A club packet shall be made up by the Secretary and circulated among the members. All members shall have the right to include material in the packet if same be made up into booklets of standard approved size, and each item clearly priced. The club shall take a 10% commission from the cash received from sale of material, to cover the cost of working.

8. The time allowed for each member to hold a packet shall not exceed forty eight hours; when it must be passed to the next member on the list, and an advice forwarded to the Secretary of extractions made, together with a remittance covering the marked pieces of the stamps taken out.

9. The Secretary shall settle up with the holders of the booklets within one month of the completion of the circuit.

10. Any stamps not signed for, or showing defacement not clearly indicated by the owner when handed to the Secretary, shall be debited to the person last having the packet, unless the Secretary and the previous holder has been advised.

11. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May of each year, at which a statement of accounts shall be presented by the Secretary and Treasurer, duly audited by the appointed Auditor for the year.

12. An all-in insurance policy shall be taken out by the club to give cover for the stock held by the Secretary or in transit between members.

13. Any member of the club residing out of the City shall pay the Treasurer any postage incurred in forwarding the club packet to him, and shall also be responsible for the cost of postage on its return to the Secretary or transmission to another member.