13. Committee meetings

Like all well run organisations, the York Philatelic Society has held regular committee meetings throughout the years.

The early committees consisted of 10 members all elected at the Annual General Meeting – Chairman, Vice-Chairman (later changed to President and Vice-President), Secretary, Treasurer, Exchange Packet Secretary, Auditor and 4 committee members. Later the number increased to 14 with the addition of Librarian, YPA Representative, Publicity Secretary and Auctioneer. Some 70 members have served on the Committee over the years. Apart from knowing that the inaugural meeting was held at 7 Devon Place, York on the 19th April 1948, no other record exists of where the Committee meetings were held until 9th June 1967. during that 19 years the records read “Members of a Committee Meeting held on (date) …” and end with the words “… as there was no further business the meeting was closed.” The minutes of the 9th June 1967 read “Minutes of a Committee Meeting held on 9th June 1967 at Mr L Robinson’s House.” From that date up to 22nd October 1970, the meetings were held at the homes of Messers A Dent, T R Peacock, J E Rhind, E W K Ranns, L Robinson, Major E W Farrell and Wing Commander R S Mason. The meetings concluded with a vote of thanks to the hosts.

At these meetings refreshments were served which accounted for the late finishes (unless they were talking shop!!) The earliest from a 7.30pm start was a 10.45pm finish and the latest went into the following day – 00.20 and 00.25 hours.

From October 1971 the Committee meeting was held at the Black Swan in Stonebow, with a reasonable finishing time.