Events Programme 2004

13th January: Members displays: T Collins & A Ward

10th February: Annual competition: Judging and presentations, members' Bourse and Auction viewing

9th March: Annual Club Auction

13th April: Pat Rothnie "Czechoslovakia"

27th April: Members' Displays of covers and postcards.

11th May: D & S Blore, "Virtual & Postal Airships"

8th June: President's Evening, R J Dearnley, YPA President, "Great Britain"

13th July: J & K Benham, "Themes' & 'India"

14th September: New Auction

28th September: Members' Evening, "Displays featuring the letters K or L"

12th October: Cavendish Auctions

9th November: 56th Annual General Meeting, New Auction

14th December: Members' Evening, with mince pies, "Mini-displays of stamps on any subject"