Revenue Class Competition Guidelines

Guide Lines for the Revenue Class

1. The first page should be an introductory page that shows the concept and its development within the exhibit. It should have a clear beginning; a clear theme and a logical ending. Include references on this page.

2. Revenue stamps are Tax Stamps, Fee Stamps and Credit Stamps.

3. The exhibit should consist of unused or used embossed, imprinted or adhesive revenue stamps.

4. Too much description or duplication of the title on the remaining pages is not advised, nor is the duplication of philatelic content.

5. If used on documents the pertinent usage should be illustrated.

6. The exhibit may contain:

Registration of deeds or documents; General Revenues; Judicial or Court; Transfer of Ownership; Receipts; Documentary; Public Service; Bills; Duty Stamps; Funds; Assurances & policies; Consular services; Inspections; Weights & Measures; Licenses: Postage Stamps used as Revenue Stamps; Revenue Stamps used as Postage Stamps; other Revenue Stamps.

7. The exhibit may contain, where it improves the composition:

Essays, proofs or rejected designs; Legal documents and postal covers; varieties; maps, prints, decrees and similar associated material.

8. The write up may be longer than for traditional classes but the text should be clear and concise.

9. The introduction and the sheets that follow should be in agreement.