18. Yorkshire Philatelic Society (YPA)

Sometime in 1949 it was agreed that the Society would join the YPA, as the balance sheet for year ending 30th April 1950 records a YPA subscription of £1-18-6, and the Society has remained a member ever since. The first YPA representative was Mr H H S Jackson.

At a committee meeting held on 2nd October 1951 it is recorded - “Mr Jackson gave details of the YPA’s intention to hold the 6th Annual Convention in York during 1952.” It was decided that Mr H Davis should see Mr Sidebottom – the Hon Sec of YPA and inform him that we would accept the YPA decision to hold the convention at York, but whilst we would give every assistance, we could not afford any financial commitment. Messer’s Robson and Milner were elected to serve on the YPA sub-committee that dealt with the convention.

Following various meetings it was reported on 18th March 1952 that the exhibition for the YPA would be held in the Hunt Room at the Public Library for one full week at a cost of £4-4-0 and it was agreed to have 33 BPA frames at a cost of £5-5-0. The York Society would fill 22 frames leaving the YPA 11 frames. It is interesting to note that 13 York members gave 21 displays covering Newfoundland, BWI, Egypt, Germany, France, Switzerland, Sarawack, Canada, Falkland Islands, GB, Australia, Netherlands, USA, South Africa, New Issues, TPO’s, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Ceylon, Cape Triangles and Norway.

The date of the 6th YPA Annual Convention was set for the 17th May 1952 and to be opened by the Right Honorable Lord Mayor of York Counsellor J.H. Kaye. An evening talk would be given by Mr Clear of the GPO (no other details recoded).

Although it had been agreed that the York Society “could not offer any financial commitment” at the end of the day – they did. The total cost of the convention was £27-10-8 less a contribution from the YPA of £6-11-2 leaving the York Society a payment of £20-19-6. after this payment the Society had a balance of £16-17-0.

No further mention was made of the YPA convention at York until the AGM of the 13th May 1963 when it was agreed to invite the YPA to hold its 19th Annual Convention at York. The invitation was accepted.

After much discussion it was agreed to hold the event on the 24th April 1965 at Queen Ann’s Grammar School. The event to be opened by the Lord Mayor Councillor S Palphramand J P. it was also agreed that a souvenir cover should be produced showing a print of the West End of York Minster and a Castle Museum Penny Black stamp cancelled with a York red Maltese Cross, and of course 3d QE II definitive postage rate.

Souvenier Cover showing a print of the West End of York Minster and a Castle Museum Penny Black

stamp cancelled with a York red Maltese Cross, and of course 3d QE II definitive postage rate.

This time the York Society showed 93 frames from 23 members covering 29 countries, 3 thematic and 5 cover displays. Overall the convention had been a success. The cost to the Society was £39-5-51/2d, yes down to the last half penny.

There was however, a bill for £3-0-0 for replacement glass and nuts and bolts for the YPA stands that had been submitted to the YPA but not paid because Mr R Ward, the YPA Treasurer stated (in a reply to the account) “that since the YPA cheque book and other documents had been mislaid it would not be possible to pay the account immediately!!! It was decided to write the debt off.

The next YPA convention hosted by the York Society was 1978, in celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the foundation of the Society. It was held at the Grandstand at York Race Course on Saturday 29th April 1978 and was opened by the Postmaster Mr Colin Charlesworth.

Unfortunately, very little is recorded in the Society minutes regarding the convention (future Secretaries please note) and no entry in the brochure regarding displays by the members. Just two note worthy items from the Revd Peter Thornton concerning the convention sub-committee:

Printing is very expensive. Perhaps the Association and the host societies can look into the matter. Is a brochure really necessary?

For the first time for York hosting the convention twenty-two dealers accepted and booked tables they were all recorded in the brochure!!!

Another 10 years, 1988, the 40th Anniversary of the York Philatelic Society, and another YPA Convention at York. This was held on Saturday 18th June 1988 at the Tattersall Stand, York Racecourse. 20 members gave 120 sheet displays on 23 subjects of philatelic, thematic and postal history material.

An extra feature was 6 displays on 12 sheets from members of the Munster Philatelic Society of Germany including the Postal History of Munster, pre stamp cancellations of GB, fairy tales, stained glass windows and New Year issues of Japan.

The convention was opened at 2.15pm by the Right Honorable, the Lord Mayor of York Counsellor R Pullyn and 196 people signed the attendance book.

For the 50th Anniversary of the York Philatelic Society, the YPA again held its Annual Convention, this time at Archbishop Holgate School on the 13th June 1998. the convention was again opened by the Right Honorable, the Lord Mayor of York Councillor D. Smallwood and the Lady Mayoress at 10.00am. 23 members of the Society exhibited displays again covering a wide range of countries and thematic subjects and 8 frames from two members of the Munster Philatelic Society.

During the Society’s membership to the YPA there have been 26 YPA representatives elected to attend the Association’s meetings, and two members of the Society have been elected President of the YPA, Mr J Pratt and Mrs J Bygate. The York Society has on one occasion won the “Eric Buckley Tankard”, Postal History Class in 1978 with a display by A Dent and C Rutter.