Tribute to Conyers Rutter by Ralph Peacock


On the 7th May 2010 the York Philatelic Society lost one of it's longest serving members with the death of Con Rutter, B.E.M. Con was born in Kirby-moorside in 1922 and after attending the local school joined the Royal Air Force in 1937 as an apprentice aircraft mechanic. Con spent most of the 1939-45 War in Malta servicing aircraft much needed for the defence of the island and witnessed the arrival of the crippled tanker "OHIO" laden with much needed aviation fuel.

After the war he returned to England and to York where he joined the York Philatelic Society but had to resign on being posted to R.A.F. Sylt in Germany in 1950. He was kept very busy there servicing aircraft and base activities. He was awarded the B.E.M. in appreciation for all the work he did on aircraft maintenance.

On returning to England he was demombed in 1957 after completing twenty years service. Con and his wife Joan, whom he met during his service days and along with his son and daughter set up home in Huntington, York. At this time he had joined the Civil Service after a brief spell working at the Brough aircraft factory. Con rejoined the York Philatelic Society becoming a committee member and elected President from 1975 to 1978 and honorary Vice President from 1979. He was also the Society's Y.P.A. representative from 1996-2002. Con was a keen collector of postal history forming collections of Kirby-moorside and surrounding villages and York.

Apart from the York Philatelic Society con was also a member of the Yorkshire Postal History Society contributing to the publication of "The Postal History of the City of York to 1900" in which is written:- "Con Rutter who did so much of the initial information gathering and whose continued support has been most welcome". He was also a member of the York Postcard Society and was involved with the Royal Philatelic Society. During this time Con and his wife Joan found time to become members of the choir at All Saints Church in Huntington.

During his many years of membership Con was a regular attendee at the York Society meetings, entered material for the various annual competitions and was always ready to give a display and give advice on members evenings and share his private knowledge. In 1999 he donated the "Conyers Rutter Postal Stationary Cup" - 16 sheets- to the Society.

During his latter years and whilst he was still fit he helped out at the Elvington Aircraft Museum working in the library there.

Unfortunately Joan died on the 23rd November 2009 and Con had not enjoyed the best of health over the last couple of years.

Ralph Peacock.