ABPS Executive Bulletin No 11 Aug 08


Please note for your use the new ABPS address detailed at the end of this Bulletin. Please also include this information in your members’ newsletters or bulletins so they are also made aware of the change. You can also use any of the information in this Executive Bulletin in your publications but please acknowledge the source,


This was held at the Royal Philatelic Society London on 12 July and a brief summary follows. The minutes are available on the website.

The national show at Harrogate was widely considered to be both very enjoyable and successful thanks to chairman John Sussex and his team. The AGM heard the Harrogate event was likely to break even.

UK international exhibiting is currently outstanding. UK exhibitors were awarded best in show at Tel-Aviv and the grand prix at Bucharest, where the UK also came third in the world stamp championships.

Small grants are still available from ABPS for local initiatives. Consult the Handbook and Directory, page 21.

Accounts. Nigel Gooch, the Treasurer, reported on a good year following a positive response from societies after the increase in subscriptions. The accounts were passed without dissent.

Elections. The following were elected directors of ABPS Ltd: John Baron, Hugh Feldman, Willie King, Geoff Longbottom, Hugh Osborne. (Willie King has replaced Bill Robertson as Chairman of the Public Relations Committee). John Baron was elected Vice-Chairman of the Executive. Bill Robertson and Mike Brindle were elected Life Vice-Presidents.

Following an initiative from the Association of Scottish Philatelic Societies there was a full discussion on the difficulty of communication within the organisation. Eventually a motion was passed asking the Executive to take note of the comments and take steps to remedy the concern. It was also agreed to hold Council meetings more often. The Executive later considered holding meetings in different regions and proposed York as an example.


Future Meetings

MIDPEX, 11 July 2009 in Coventry at a new and improved venue.

The 2009 AGM and a Council meeting will also be held in Coventry at MIDPEX.

Congress 2009 is in Manchester where the first Congress was held in 1909.

Further information about London 2010 and the eighteen regional events will follow.


Nigel Gooch thanked Societies in their support for the £1 capitation fee and stated that he would not recommend a rise in 2009.


Vice-Chairman of Council Alan Griffiths

Company Secretary & Treasurer Nigel Gooch

General Secretary Colin Searle - see further details below

Membership Secretary Alan Godfrey

Editor of ABPS News Hugh Feldman

Publicity & Publications Officer Geoff Longbottom


Alan Godfrey reported a good response to re-affiliation. Numbers for 2008 (with 2007 figures in brackets) are: Specialist Societies 70 (74), Local Societies 213 (237), National Societies 3 (3), Overseas Societies 1 (0). There were 79 Friends (85) and 23 Patrons (26). Total payments received were £21,818 (£16,480).


Bill Robertson reported that Geoff Longbottom planned to issue a new Handbook & Directory and a new Speakers List for 2009.

Youth Philately

Members discussed this and were urged to support Stamp Active Network and local initiatives.

International Collectors Club

It was stressed that it had been created to help those who wish to exhibit abroad and that international fees are not paid from ABPS accounts.

Retiring General Secretary

As retiring General Secretary, I (Mike Brindle) would like to thank everyone who has contacted me in the past five years. We are delighted to welcome Colin Searle as the new General Secretary.

THEMATICA II on 29/30 November 2008 and THEMATICA in June 2009 have both had to be cancelled due to the rising costs of suitable central London venues. The THEMATICA 2009 competitions will now be held at MIDPEX.

MIDPEX 2009 will be held on 11th July 2009 at the brand new Xcel Leisure Centre, Mitchell Avenue, Canley, COVENTRY, CV4 8DY, from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. The ABPS 2009 AGM, an ABPS Council Meeting, and the 2009 THEMATICA competitions will also be held alongside.

ABPS News editor, Hugh Feldman, needs more photographs to be sent with meeting reports. Please send yours by e-mail to hugh@feldman.f9.co.uk (preferred) or as glossy prints with reports by post to Hugh at Juniper House, Ashdon, SAFFRON WALDEN, CB10 2HB.


Colin Searle, ABPS General Secretary, The Mill, Mill Lane, Little Shrewley, Hatton, WARWICK, CV35 7HN. Tel: 07879 665658. E-mail: searlec@gmail.com