
Whither Goes California?


Wayne Lela

Back in 1993 a dead-serious homosexual named Mark Dennis wrote in the Wall Street Journal that "the gay agenda...plans the end of 'breeders' (heterosexuals) through a takeover of public education." (Since you may not believe that, please feel free to check it out. Your local library should be able to help you find and view the opinion piece. It was in the May 26, 1993 WSJ on page A19. There are radical, homosexist "gays" out there and they are fanatically active and they have an extreme agenda.)

I bring the above up because California has just become the first state in the nation to require public schools to add lessons about "gay" history to social studies classes. For all we know, this weird development could be the first step towards fulfilling that extreme agenda.

Now, teachers will be indoctrinating young children---who are not as capable as informed adults when it comes to recognizing and refuting nonsense---with all kinds of bizarre pro-homosexual propaganda. Decent, moral people in California have now been put in the position where they must tell their children that on the subject of homosexuality, the legislators who voted for this odd and divisive requirement, the governor who signed the legislation, and the teachers being forced to spread pro-homosexual propaganda don't know what they are talking about.

These are some of the important truths about homosexuals and homosexuality schools and media outlets should be conveying to people, but aren't because of their biases.

The 1973 decision by the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from its official list of disorders was NOT based on science or logic. The decision was made in response to intimidation and threats by radical homosexual activists against APA members. A good book on this subject, written by Dr. Ronald Bayer, a pro-homosexual psychiatrist, is Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis.

There is plenty of evidence that homosexuality is a disorder. Even a homosexual author named Dennis Altman has acknowledged: "Undoubtedly for many homosexuals there is something threatening in the idea of intimacy with the other sex" (from The Homosexualization of America, the Americanization of the Homosexual, St. Martin's Press, 1982, p. 222). It's pretty obvious that something abnormal, something disordered, whether genetically-based or environmentally-based, is interfering with homosexuals' enjoying normal, heterosexual sex. But you're probably not going to hear from California teachers about how sexual inhibitions are afflicting homosexuals. Pointing out that homosexuals are basically impotent with the opposite gender, and that impotency is considered a disorder by rational people, will undoubtedly be deemed "hate speech" by the politically correct fascists currently reigning in California. Too, noting that a homosexual mind in a heterosexual body is a sure sign that something went wrong somewhere will not be tolerated.

Students probably won't hear that certain diseases are more prevalent in the homosexual community because the homosexual lifestyle is not as physiologically natural as the heterosexual lifestyle. For examples, the anal cancer rate for male homosexuals is way above normal (we were not designed for anal sex---the anal tissues are not as tough as the vaginal tissues), and the lesbian breast cancer rate is above normal (many lesbians never have children because they don't have sex with men, and because they don't get pregnant their breasts never lactate, and lactation is protective against breast cancer).

And students probably won't hear that homosexuals engage in so much unsafe sex that they account for roughly half of all new HIV/AIDS cases in this country every year, even though they are only about two percent of the population. And students probably won't hear that homosexual HIV/AIDS has cost this country billions of dollars---money that could have been spent, say, feeding starving children around the world.

And students probably won't hear that all the arguments homosexuals use to try to justify homosexual activity are seriously flawed in one way or another. For example, homosexuals repeatedly use the consenting-adults/we're-not-hurting-anyone argument. But that argument is so weak and defective it can be used by all kinds of other even more sexually aberrant people, like consenting-adult exhibitionists or consenting-adult incestuous people.

And homosexuals like to say homosexuality can be found in the animal kingdom, as if that's some sort of justification. But we know animals kill, steal, rape, etc. Nature is not perfect. There are genetic defects, genetic mutations. Nature makes mistakes. Homosexual genes, if they exist at all, are definitely not the norm and should be considered mistakes.

Students probably WILL hear the unproven propaganda that homosexuals are "born that way," despite the fact that nobody has found a so-called "gay gene" yet, and despite the fact that we know such things like childhood sexual abuse can disorient people. Relevant words on this subject from Psychology Today: "[W]e know gayness is not entirely genetic....Studies suggest there is a genetic basis for homosexuality in only 50 percent of gay men. No one has yet identified a particular gay gene....There is no all-inclusive explanation for the variation in sexual orientation, at least none supported by actual evidence....[T]here are many different mechanisms, not a single one, for producing homosexuality" (Robert Kunzig, "Finding the Switch," May/June 2008, pages 90 and 93).

Students WILL probably be conveyed the message that, if people are born homosexual, then homosexual activity is justified, is good, etc. But that's like saying if there are genes for autism, schizophrenia, cancer, heart disease, pedophilia, etc., etc., those things must be good, desirable, etc. It's a ridiculous argument. But students probably won't hear that in California.

In sum, we should be teaching that homosexuality is a disorder and is a bad legal precedent (because approving it will lead to approval of even more abnormal orientations if we are consistent), plus we should be teaching that homosexual activity is immoral and is physiologically unnatural.

What will students in California hear? Undoubtedly, that homosexuality is basically equivalent to heterosexuality, that's it's natural, that it's good, and that people should be proud to be homosexual. Nothing could be further from the truth, but since when did the truth stop liberals from pursuing their odd agenda?