
On Lesbian Peer Pressure


Wayne Lela

A phenomenon that should be getting more publicity (especially in the liberal media, which love to censor any information that might negatively impact the homosexual movement) is the pressure straight female adolescents are under to engage in same-sex sexual activity. This pressure is not only coming from disoriented, heterophobic young lesbians (full of "gay pride") but is also coming from male adolescents who get aroused by watching lesbian sexual activity and who pressure their girlfriends and girl friends into putting on a lesbian "show" for the boys. Inevitably, just as "loose" girls were more "popular" with and pursued by many boys when I was a boy (pursued in the hopes of getting easy sex from girls who "sleep around"), so those young straight girls who put on a lesbian show for the boys will be more popular with many boys than straight girls who refuse to play the lesbian game. It is not unreasonable to conclude that the self-esteem of straight girls who remain true to their heterosexuality can suffer a big hit.

Since many schools are heavily into promoting the self-esteem of their students, perhaps they should consider programs aimed at promoting the self-esteem of young heterosexual girls who resist this peer pressure to engage in lesbian behavior. However, given how warped the values are at many schools and how pro-homosexual many of the schools are, that will probably never happen. After all, if there is nothing wrong with homosexual behavior, why shouldn't young girls be encouraged to pleasure each other sexually, especially since there is no possibility of pregnancies? To tell young girls that it is okay to resist any peer pressure to try lesbian sex is, in a way, somewhat like saying that lesbian sex is bad, is something to avoid. Sending that message to students might hurt the self-esteem of lesbian girls. Why, we can't have that in these PC times.

This brings to mind a quote from a homosexual named Mark Dennis, who wrote a letter to the editor to the Wall Street Journal some years ago. This homosexual wrote to say that he disagreed with the agenda being pushed by "gay" activists. His words (from the May 26, 1993, WSJ): "Some of us are deeply embarrassed by the gay agenda, which plans the end of 'breeders' (heterosexuals) through a takeover of public education."

There are actually some radically heterophobic homosexual activists who are so unbalanced that they truly believe that heterosexuality is wrong and want the public schools to teach that! As bizarre as that claim sounds, there is considerable support for it in homosexual literature. A number of homosexual authors have admitted that many homosexuals are so alienated from the opposite sex, are so influenced by sexist attitudes, that many homosexual men would prefer to have nothing to do with women, even lesbian women, and many lesbians would prefer to have nothing to do with men, even homosexual men. Man/woman relationships, whether sexual or not, are completely foreign to many homosexuals.

To return to the subject of schools, given the peer pressure to engage in lesbian sex that some young girls are being subjected to, and given how many schools are perversely promoting the acceptance of homosexual behavior, it is possible to envision an atmosphere being created in schools which would be conducive to high self-esteem among lesbians and low self-esteem among heterosexual girls. (And since turnabout is fair play, eventually straight young boys will probably be pressured by girls and prideful homosexual boys into experimenting with homosexual sex. Those boys who refuse to so experiment may be ostracized, their self-esteem suffering also.)

This is a problem we need to start devoting attention to. Parents should start asking their children, particularly their daughters, if they are being subjected to peer pressure to engage in homosexual sex. And parents should discuss with their children strategies for successfully resisting this pressure. A key part of the defense against this pressure is a solid and persuasive argument as to exactly why homosexual activity is immoral, unjustifiable. Those parents who could use such an argument can find a detailed one on the website of a group I belong to, the Committee on Family and Social Health. (Our website is We base our argument on science, nature (especially our physiological nature), and logic, and cite mainstream medical journals to help buttress our position. The argument has been successfully "battle-tested" in many debates with homosexuals. Feel free to avail yourselves of it.