
"Moments Of Silence" vs. "Days Of Silence"


Wayne Lela

So many liberals get all bunched up over the "Moment of Silence" some schools observe at the start of the school day, especially if the words "pray" or "prayer" (horrors!) are mentioned during the observance.

Yet, many of these very same liberals have no problem with students observing a whole "Day of Silence." This day is meant to promote so-called "gay rights" (sad wrongs); and on this day observing homosexual and pro-homosexual straight students remain silent the whole day. (Some harried parents might secretly wish every day was a "Day of Silence"!)

To these apparently unthinking libs, it is okay if a student refuses on this day to answer a teacher's question. To them, any sort of discipline for this student would be an egregious wrong, totally outrageous.

Evidently, participating in "politically correct" causes du jour takes priority over fully participating in the educational system.

Dumbed-down schools can definitely contribute to dumbed-down libs who love to condemn judgmentalism while being judgmental, love to condemn name-calling while labeling people (e.g., bigot, homophobe, etc.), love to condemn closed-mindedness while shouting down conservative speakers and trashing conservative campus newspapers and censoring conservative ideas, love to say they are pro-choice while opposing therapy designed to give homosexuals a way out of their homosexuality, etc., etc., etc.

Let us continue to hold up a mirror to these clowns. They can't go around with their eyes closed forever (though they will probably try). When they eventually open them and see themselves in the mirror, they will be shocked by what they see, by what they have become. That realization can bring about change.