Desert colors

You may be surprised by what you can find in a desert environment, especially in the spring or a few days after a significant rain. Scroll down to see some of the colors you can find in the desert. The flowers can be small, indeed, very small (compare the size of the end of my finger, which is holding the stem of a purple flower, with the flower), but the colors can be brilliant.

The immediately above and below light purple flowers were tiny.

Close-up of above yellow flowers

I've only seen one of the immediately above in all my time in the deserts.

The immediately above picture and the rest that follow were all taken in early March 2016 in Death Valley, which was rife with many flowers as you'll see.

The above picture is a close-up of the flowers immediately above it. These were tiny.

There were literally hundreds of thousands of these yellow flowers throughout Death Valley. See next two pics.

Below is a close-up of above

Below is a close-up of above

Close-up of above. These were tiny.

Close-up of above. These were tiny also.

Give Death Valley a little moisture and it can really surprise you. Hope you enjoyed the pics.