
A Refresher Course On Homosexuality For Limbaugh, Coulter, Beck, et al


Wayne Lela

It's no big secret that homosexuals have infiltrated the clergy, Republican Party, and the conservative movement. Various scandals have proven that point. But we may be grossly underestimating the extent of the problem. That we've got to deal with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Glenn Beck, et al, getting soft on homosexuality should be a loud wake-up call. They are either revealing their true, morally compromised selves (which means they have been seriously deceiving us); or they are implicitly admitting they are not knowledgeable enough to make the correct ethical assessment re homosexual issues.

In an effort to get our conservative leaders on the right side of homosexual issues, here is a synopsis of exactly why homosexual activity is wrong or immoral, and why it shouldn't be approved by societies. If some of our leaders don't have the confidence to speak on homosexual issues, because they lack the requisite knowledge, they can use this synopsis to help address that deficiency. They shouldn't be a party to lowering or undermining our moral standards. And if they become part of the problem, we should recognize the situation for what it is and write them out of the conservative movement. They can do too much damage from the inside. We should abandon them to the wayward libs. There are plenty of solid conservatives who could take their places. Now to the synopsis.

One significant, incontrovertible fact on homosexuality our leaders can use is this: homosexual activity is so physiologically unnatural that homosexuals actually have to rely on heterosexuals to create more homosexuals, because true homosexuals do not engage in procreative, reproductive sex.

(If it turns out that there is a homosexual gene or genes---and thus far nobody has found one in humans---we would logically have to conclude it is a flaw of nature that we should try to overcome. Nature is nowhere near perfect. There are genes associated with cancer, heart disease, sickle cell anemia, etc., etc. There are probably genes associated with autism, schizophrenia, and other syndromes, and maybe---who knows?---even with things like pedophilia. We need to try to overcome whatever bad genes we have, NOT unreasonably claim our bad genes are good genes.)

Another important, incontrovertible fact our leaders can use: homosexual activity is so physiologically unnatural there are certain costly diseases associated with the lifestyle---e.g., homosexual men have a significantly higher anal cancer rate and lesbians a higher breast cancer rate. (The male homosexual AIDS rate is also much higher because unprotected anal sex, which male homosexuals frequently engage in, is one of the easiest ways to get AIDS.)

Another vital fact our leaders can use: just like a female mind in a male body is an obvious sign that something went wrong somewhere---in either nature and/or nurture, so a homosexual mind in a heterosexual body is an obvious sign of a disorder (despite what the morally compromised, "politically correct" American Psychiatric Association now says about homosexuality).

If a person has a body clearly structured or designed for male/female sex, for phallic/vaginal heterosexual sex, but also has a mind that does NOT want that sex---anyone NOT in denial about reality has to conclude that that person has a mind/body mismatch or disorder.

(If an organization can be sued for malpractice, it should be the APA. For a doctor to ignore a patient's disorder, for a doctor to pretend a patient's disorder doesn't exist, that's malpractice and is unethical. Well, the APA is wrongly pretending homosexuality isn't a disorder.)

Another important fact our leaders can use: homosexuality is clearly a negative deviation from the sexual norm. If we approve of homosexual deviations, that clearly sets a bad legal precedent. People engaging in other "sexually alternative" lifestyles would naturally try to exploit this precedent for their own aberrant purposes. For example, two consenting adults engaging in incestuous sex would naturally expect legal protection for their deviation if we condone homosexual deviations (and if one of them was sterilized there would be no possibility of defective offspring). Reasonable people don't want to go down this slippery slope to more and more disordered lifestyles.

We are all born imperfect. We share the vast majority of our genes with animals. We all have to control our animal natures or we will have problems (e.g., violence). We all have to say NO to our baser impulses, natural or not, or we will have problems.

Let's say, for the sake of the argument, that homosexual genes do exist. That still wouldn't justify homosexual activity. Homosexuals should just say no to their homosexual desires, like we should all just say no to whatever immoral desires we have. No one's saying that's easy to do. Too many of us have difficulty controlling ourselves at times. But it needs to be done, easy or not.

Conservative leaders like Limbaugh, Coulter, and Beck could and should be conveying these simple truths about homosexuality. It's enough we have to deal with so much ignorance on this subject from liberals. Our own people should not be contributing to moral confusion, should not be going soft on moral issues like homosexuality. They should have better things to do with their time, like helping to raise our moral standards not lower them. Let's progress, not regress.