
Where Have All The Anti-Establishment Students Gone?


Wayne Lela

(Note: This is an amended version of the original article.)

A couple of Iranian dissidents in Canada, who are part of a rock group, recently received permission by a founder of the band Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, to use the Pink Floyd song "Another Brick in the Wall," but with slightly changed lyrics. Instead of urging teachers to "leave them kids alone," as the original song does, the Iranian dissidents urge Iran's Ayatollah to leave Iran's kids, the ones protesting against the Iranian government, alone.

The original song, a product of the psychedelic "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll" counterculture, basically equated education with thought control, which explains why the band urged teachers to leave them kids alone. But how times have changed.

Now that the Thought Police have so much control on college campuses, with their fascistic "speech codes" and "free speech zones" and the like, where are the loud groups of dissident college students protesting thought control and demanding that teachers leave them kids alone? (We can see how teachers have an incentive to dumb down the schools and artificially build up the self-esteem of students. If teachers make it easy on students, students may make it easy on teachers.)

Unfortunately, today's kids generally are so brainwashed that they accept irrational restrictions on speech and bizarre liberal propaganda masquerading as education with little or no protest. Where is our questioning counterculture when you need it? Don't they know they are being cheated out of a decent education? Where are the rebellious youth when they are needed to challenge the "authorities," the "establishment," and keep them honest? For example, the "establishment" in this country---many schools, media, many large businesses, President Obama, the Democrat-controlled U.S. House and Senate---are pro-homosexual, yet our youth do not seem to question silly pro-homosexual propaganda. They instead seem to be buying into it, despite its demonstrable absurdity.

One wonders if the minds of our young people are so anesthetized by television (it's no secret that TV alters brain waves), so anesthetized by video games, all the visual stimuli found on the internet (especially porn), etc., that they have effectively been tamed. In Huxley's Brave New World, the population was kept pacified and content by a government which used a drug called Soma. If we only had to worry about one mind-numbing influence (e.g., Soma), things would be simpler. But between electronic influences, drugs, alcohol, et al, we've got a lot more to worry about.

We need to wake up our kids. They need to see how the advertising industry, entertainment industry, news media, etc., all seek to manipulate them---and are successful, to one degree or another, at doing so. The fact that so many of our youth question sound conservative ideas, but not the "establishment's" silly liberal ones, is solid evidence of how our youth are being led around by their noses by the liberal establishment. Our youth need to keep both sides honest, not just the conservative side.