
Are Liberals Finally Coming Around On Homosexuality?


Wayne Lela

Here is some solid evidence that liberals finally may be coming around on homosexuality. (It's about time. But liberals ARE known for being a little "slow in the head.") From Psychology Today of all places: "The best scientific surveys put the number of gays in the general population between 2 and 6 percent, with most estimates near the low end of that range---contrary to the 10 percent figure that is often reported in the popular media....[W]e know gayness is not entirely genetic....Studies suggest there is a genetic basis for homosexuality in only 50 percent of gay men. No one has yet identified a particular gay gene....There is no all-inclusive explanation for the variation in sexual orientation, at least none supported by actual evidence....[T]here are many different mechanisms, not a single one, for producing homosexuality" (Robert Kunzig, "Finding the Switch," Psychology Today, May/June 2008, pages 90 and 93).

So, they are finally throwing the long-ago discredited 10% figure under the bus, and they are indirectly admitting that 50% of homosexuals were probably NOT born homosexual and so should be able to change and become what they were born to be---heterosexual. They are also indirectly admitting that if people can be happily homosexual even though they don't have any homosexual genes, then people can be happily heterosexual even though they don't have any heterosexual genes. In other words, they are admitting that people born with homosexual genes (if they even exist) can still satisfactorily enjoy the heterosexual lifestyle.

They are also admitting there are "different mechanisms...for producing homosexuality," as well as for producing all the other sexual orientations or "preferences" (e.g., masochism, sadism, fetishism, exhibitionism, bisexuality, pedophilia, zoophilia, coprophilia, necrophilia, etc.). In other words, no one knows why any particular individual has any particular sexual orientation. Each person is different, is a result of his/her own unique combination of environmental and genetic influences.

So if you hear the "homosexuals are 10% of the population" nonsense, you can point the alleger to this Kunzig article. And if you hear someone say that they were "born homosexual" you can point them to this Kunzig article and tell them that science shows that we are not absolute slaves to our genes---that in fact we can be happily heterosexual even if we have no heterosexual genes. All homosexuals have to do is overcome whatever sexual inhibitions and hangups about heterosexual sex they have.

Now, once we have made our case that homosexuals CAN change, we need to make the case that they SHOULD change. There are several major reasons why they should change. First, homosexual activity is demonstrably immoral (with the case against it being based on science, logic, and natural law). Second, homosexual activity is demonstrably unnatural from a physiological standpoint (which helps explain why, for examples, the male homosexual anal cancer rate and the lesbian breast cancer rate are above normal and why the average homosexual lifespan is relatively short). And three, there is a society-wide financial cost to homosexual activity because it is such a relatively unhealthy lifestyle.

I belong to a group which occasionally sets up information tables on college campuses in order to pass out flyers to students and faculty on homosexual issues. Needless to say we almost always get a rise out of homosexuals and their supporters on these campuses. But we've debated hundreds and hundreds of homosexuals and their supporters over the years, and our arguments against the lifestyle have stood the test of time and debate. They are sound. We easily win these debates, though liberals are loathe to admit it. Those who would like to familiarize themselves with our battle-tested arguments can feel free to visit our website, I especially recommend the sections "The Case Against Homosexual Activity" and "On The Unhealthy Homosexual Lifestyle." We provide plenty of documentation (e.g., as from medical journals).

Since truths, facts, are powerful, it should be merely a matter of time before even the most pigheaded liberals come back around to a position they never should have abandoned in the first place. But children can be rebellious.