
Regression Therapy—The Liberal Version


Wayne Lela

Scientists have known for years that there are structural differences between male and female brains. Yet, if someone were to bring up these structural differences as a possible explanation for why women seem to be better than men at certain things and men better than women at other things (perhaps math and science), radical feminists will try to have you drummed out of the human race. (Remember the fate of Harvard's Larry Summers.) To them, if women, for example, don't do as well as men in math and science, that must be blamed on an evil patriarchal system created by sinister and bigoted and sexist men who want to keep women down---and damn any science which contradicts that.

It is next to impossible to reason with these radical feminists because their position is not based on reason or logic or science---it is based on wishful thinking and emotion.

Too, scientists, and even non-scientists, have also known for a few thousand years that there are physiological differences between the sexes, and that women were designed to have sex with men and vice versa. It's pretty obvious that a homosexual mind trapped in a heterosexual body, trapped in a body clearly designed for phallic/vaginal or male/female sex, is a sure indication that something went wrong somewhere---that either nature made a mistake (which nature unfortunately does all too often) and/or something went amiss in the nurturing department. The fact that scientists have also documented a high male homosexual anal cancer rate and a high lesbian breast cancer rate is further evidence of the aberrance and physiological unnaturalness of the lifestyle.

However, if you bring up these facts to explain why homosexual orientations are ultimately disorders that should be remedied---just like other psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, which likely have genetic bases, should be remedied---homosexuals and their supporters will try to have you drummed out of the human race (science be damned).

It is next to impossible to reason with these people because their position is not based on reason or logic or science. (The fact that "professional" groups like the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association, which no longer consider homosexuality what it obviously is--a disorder; the fact that these groups are now dominated by agenda-driven people who have little credibility should be extremely unsettling.)

Similarly, the people who now believe humans are responsible for so-called "global warming" (and who probably believed humans were responsible for "global cooling" when that belief was trendy and hip and "cool" thirty or so years ago) are not fazed at all by the inconvenient fact that other planets in our solar system are warming or the fact that numerous reputable scientists dissent from the whole "global warming" panic. The "global warming" zealots will believe what they want to believe, "cherry picking" data to rationalize their stance, real science be damned.

These almost willfully ignorant people---the radical feminists (many of whom are lesbians), homosexuals, and "global warming" zealots---are, unfortunately, a force to be reckoned with, especially in the Democrat Party, the dominant media, and ironically academia of all places. We should have no illusions about these Neanderthals or about how tough it's going to be to educate them. Their thick skulls are filled with liberal prejudices, and getting through those skulls and uprooting those prejudices is going to take a lot of effort.

And we should have no illusions about where they want to take us. These "regressives" want to take us back thousands of years to Sodom. And they want to force us back to a more primitive or simple lifestyle, where we are not as mobile and we have to walk or bike more, by driving up energy prices. (Goodbye long "road trip" vacations.) And they want to take us back to a time when people were afraid to utter certain scientific truths because those truths were not acceptable to the ignorant powers-that-be. (Try to point out in Canada that the homosexual lifestyle is relatively unhealthy because male homosexuals have a high AIDS rate and a high anal cancer rate and lesbians have a high breast cancer rate, and you can be prosecuted for hate speech! No exaggeration!)

These Neanderthals need to be opposed if we want a progressive society which values science and truth and reason. Keep a stiff upper lip and please keep on keeping on in that opposition.