
Why Is Andrew Sullivan So Dumb?


Wayne Lela

On the cover of the latest Newsweek (Jan. 23, 2012) are these words: "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?" The piece was written by Andrew Sullivan. That's basically an open invitation for someone to write a piece titled "Why Is Andrew Sullivan So Dumb?" So let yours truly step up to the challenge and pick up the gauntlet.

Andrew Sullivan is a longtime homosexual activist who is so dumb that he doesn't know what thinking people have known for centuries: Homosexual activity is immoral. It's immoral because homosexuality is obviously a disorder—a homosexual mind in a heterosexual body, just like a male mind in a female body or a female mind in a male body, is an unmistakable sign that something went wrong somewhere, in either nature and/or nurture—and it's immoral to treat a disorder as if it's not a disorder. For example, if you went to see a doctor because you weren't feeling well, and the doctor did some tests, found out you had a disorder but didn't tell you about it and didn't treat it, the doctor could be accused of malpractice and could have his/her license to practice taken away.

(Prior to 1973, the American Psychiatric Association considered homosexuality to be what it is: a disorder. The APA had solid reasons for considering it so. Those reasons are still valid today. If you read the book Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis by Dr. Ronald Bayer, you'll read about how the APA's 1973 decision to remove homosexuality from its list of disorders was NOT based on science. The APA caved in to severe intimidating pressure put on it by radical homosexual activists, who, back in 1973, totally disrupted numerous APA meetings and threatened APA members. By the APA removing a disorder—homosexuality—from its official list of disorders, the APA essentially engaged in group malpractice, even if under duress. It's now treating an obvious disorder as if it's not a disorder.)

Too, Andrew Sullivan is apparently so dumb that he doesn't know acceptance of homosexual activity clearly sets a bad legal precedent. There are other abnormal, consenting-adult sexual minorities waiting in the wings for their "rights": e.g., consenting-adult incestuous people, exhibitionists, etc. (Homo/bisexuals are discriminating against these other sexual minorities by not including them in the "rainbow," by not agitating or fighting for their "rights." The bigotry and hypocrisy are delicious.)

Homosexuals like Andrew Sullivan love to compare themselves to racial minorities, especially blacks. This despite the fact that many blacks are highly offended at being compared to people who voluntarily engage in disordered sexual acts. There is no choice involved in being black. But no one has to engage in homosexual activity. Apples and oranges.

Homosexuals like Andrew Sullivan also like to compare physiologically unnatural sexual lifestyles with physiologically natural ones. Again, apples and oranges. For example, the anal cancer rate for male homosexuals is way above normal. And the lesbian breast cancer rate is also above normal. The prices people pay for not living lifestyles more in tune with their physiologies…. But Andrew Sullivan may be too dumb to know these facts.

I could go on and on, like about how a small sexual minority, homo/bisexual males, only around 3% of the American population, make up about HALF of all new AIDS cases in this country every year (unprotected anal sex is one of the easiest ways to get AIDS), or about how we are unnecessarily spending millions and millions of dollars every year on homo/bisexual AIDS—money we could be spending on, say, starving children around the world. But you probably get the picture. Andrew Sullivan, though, may be so dumb he doesn't get it. Makes you wonder if you have to be an idiot to write for Newsweek.