
The Cult Of Liberalism


Wayne Lela

The following are disturbing phenomena characteristic of modern liberalism: Intolerant speech codes on college campuses (i.e., politically correct restrictions on free speech or, in a word, censorship); "hate crime" legislation (i.e., mind-control legislation that penalizes politically incorrect thoughts and feelings); the abuse of psychiatry (e.g., the unscientific elimination of homosexuality from the professionally recognized catalog of mental disorders and the ominous use of the pathologically-sounding term "homophobe" to stigmatize people who are morally opposed to homosexual activity); antagonism to free association (e.g., attempts to coerce organizations like the Boy Scouts to admit homosexuals).

Like other political movements that started out with seemingly good intentions but veered into totalitarianism (e.g., Communism), it appears that modern liberalism is following the same path. Power can be a corrupting influence, and as liberalism has become more powerful, it has become more corrupt. Seemingly out of control, liberalism, having been hijacked by wayward special-interest groups, is careening down a road that leads nowhere. It is still possible, however, to hope that liberalism will find its way back, since most liberals are not totalitarian and should eventually exercise a corrective influence on liberalism's current Kommissars.

We can help speed that corrective process along by tirelessly exposing the excesses, errors, and evils of the liberal elite. Here are a few comparatively overlooked but very serious examples.

Numerous doctors, therapists, and researchers over the years have documented the fact that many homosexuals were sexually abused when young.1 Indeed, there are so many more cases of sexual abuse than there are cases of homosexuality that sexual abuse can theoretically account for every case of homosexuality.

Besides that, there is currently no definitive evidence that anyone is born homosexual. As pro-homosexual Newsweek magazine noted: "In the early '90s, three highly publicized studies seemed to suggest that homosexuality's roots were genetic....More than five years later the data have never been replicated....Moreover, researchers say behavior is not strictly inherited; it needs to be brought into play by a daunting complexity of environmental factors....Most scientists postulate that homosexuality results from some combination of genes and environmental factors."2

Since we know that many homosexuals were sexually abused when young, and since there is no definitive evidence that anyone is born homosexual, when a person comes "out" and declares that he believes he is homosexual, shouldn't our first response be to try to discover if he was ever sexually abused? Instead, liberals are pushing the flimsy propaganda that homosexuals are born that way. Not surprisingly, the sexual abuse of children continues to be rampant.

How can liberals conscientiously ignore the sexual abuse of kids? How can liberals conscientiously ignore sexual abuse as a major cause of homosexuality? Incidentally, we also know that many homosexuals came from broken homes. Where is the liberal outcry against easy divorce?

Another crucial scandal regarding liberals: Since it is easily understandable that people who have seriously troubled pasts can develop various neuroses and psychoses due to that adversity, and since it is easily understandable that many homosexuals are mentally disturbed to one degree or another due to their troubled pasts, how can psychiatrists and psychologists, the great majority of whom are liberals, continue to keep homosexuality off their professionally recognized catalog of mental disorders? Where are their scruples? (And aren't homosexuals in massive denial about a major cause of their own sexual identities?)

Also, since doctors who ignore the illnesses of their patients---i.e., who treat sick patients as though they were healthy---are obviously guilty of malpractice, aren't the psychiatrists and psychologists who tell all their homosexual patients that they are not sick likewise guilty of malpractice? Shouldn't their licenses to practice their professions be revoked?

Here's a different scandal: Liberals love to denounce prejudice and discrimination, yet they openly defend their own prejudices and willfully discriminate. For example, liberals advocate restricting the rights of tobacco users while they simultaneously advocate expanding the rights of homosexuals. But the average lifespan of a smoker is actually longer than the average lifespan of a homosexual. Homosexuals have significantly higher rates of AIDS, anal cancer, prostate cancer, syphilis, hepatitis B, anorectal herpes simplex infection, anorectal sepsis, amoebiasis, giardiasis, proctitis, enteritis, colitis, and proctocolitis than heterosexuals.3 So why are liberals discriminating in favor of homosexuals and against smokers? Homosexual activity, like smoking, is costing this society billions of dollars. Homosexual STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are taking a tremendous toll on this country. What happened to the liberals' sense of outrage?

The billions we are now spending on homosexual STDs could go toward feeding starving children around the world. In other words, children are starving because some people think they have the right to spread their STDs. Why don't liberals---who love to feel guilty---feel guilty about this?

Not only that, but many innocent people have died from the STDs homosexuals (and heterosexuals) have spread. Babies are born with AIDS. Thousands of hemophiliacs (among others) died of AIDS because, years ago, before we developed blood tests to detect HIV-antibodies in donated blood, HIV-positive homosexuals and bisexuals who donated blood infected the blood supply with the AIDS virus. Why no liberal guilt about this?

Censorship, thought control, antagonism to free association, guilt-free immoral behavior, hanging on to clearly indefensible ideological positions---these characteristics, along with "group-think," "group-speak," and "free love," are normally correlated with cult-like organizations. Let us tirelessly hold a mirror up to liberalism so it can see itself for what it is becoming. The shock of self-awareness should "scare straight" and eventually bring self-correction to today's liberalism.

What you say, what kind of jokes you tell, what you think, how many children you have, how you discipline your children, how much gasoline your car consumes, how much garbage you recycle, etc.---liberals want to influence or control so many aspects of your life. Except the sexual one! It boggles the mind to hear them declare that they believe in freedom.


1. The following sources attest to the fact that many homosexuals were sexually abused when young: Teen Prostitution by Joan J. Johnson (Franklin Watts Publishers, 1992); Invisible Lives by Martha Barron Barrett (William Morrow & Co., 1989); Incest and Sexuality by Wendy Maltz and Beverly Holman (Lexington Books, 1987); The Secret Trauma by Diane E.H. Russell (Basic Books, 1986); The Broken Taboo: Sex in the Family by Blair and Rita Justice (Human Sciences Press, 1980); Female Perversions by Dr. Louise J. Kaplan (Doubleday, 1991); "Sexual Abuse of Boys" by W.C. Holmes and G.B. Slap, J Amer Med Assn (Dec. 2, 1998).

2. John Leland and Mark Miller, "Can Gays Convert?", Newsweek, Aug. 17, 1998, p. 49.

3. See the following mainstream medical journal articles for documentation on just how disease-ridden the homosexual "lifestyle" is: "Health care needs of gay men and lesbians in the United States" by the Council on Scientific Affairs, J Amer Med Assn, May 1, 1996; "Sexually transmitted infection as a cause of anal cancer" by M. Frisch and others, N Engl J Med, Nov. 6, 1997; "Sexually transmitted diseases of the colon, rectum and anus" by S.D. Wexner, Dis Colon Rectum (EAB), Dec. 1990; "Sexually transmitted diseases in hetero-, homo- and bisexual males in Copenhagen" by J. Christopherson and others, Dan Med Bull (DYN), June 1988; "Noncondylomatous, perianal disease in homosexual men" by N.D. Carr and others, Br J Surg (B34), Oct. 1989; "Role of sexual and non-sexual practices in the transmission of hepatitis B" by K.S. Lim and others, Br J Vener Dis (B40), June 1977; "Sexual factors and prostate cancer: Results from a case-control study" by J.S. Mandel and L.M. Schumann, J Gerontol, May 1987; "A case-controlled study of the sexual health needs of lesbians" by C.J. Skinner and others, Genitourin Med, Aug. 1996; "Sexually transmitted diseases in lesbians" by A. Edwards and R.N. Thin, Int J STD AIDS, May 1990; "Genital human papillomavirus infection in women who have sex with women" by J.M. Marrazzo and others, J Infect Dis, Dec. 1998.