Whither Goes The Wayward Southern Poverty Law Center?


Wayne Lela

You probably consider yourself a reasonably compassionate person, though one who understandably is concerned about right and wrong and knows lines have to be drawn somewhere. Moreover, you probably make conscientious efforts to draw those lines in logically defensible places.

Now, imagine you woke up one morning and found yourself on a list of so-called "hate groups," which designation some wanted to use to rationalize censoring the views of these groups and perhaps even criminalizing their expressed views as "hate speech" so the groups could be punished (at least financially if not in other ways). How do you think you would feel? Like you woke up in Orwell's 1984 or some other nightmarish dystopia?

Well, a radical left-wing organization of oppressive bigots, which group is unfortunately well-endowed financially, has created such a "hate group" list. It's the Southern Poverty Law Center. (Don't be surprised if the SPLC created the list after receiving big donations from people who wanted the SPLC to create it.) With its list, the SPLC is now smearing decent people as "haters" just because they believe, on principle, that homosexual activity is wrong.

It doesn't matter if these decent people use logical arguments and mainstream medical journals to support their position; and it doesn't even matter if these decent people use quotes from homosexual publications to support their position.

The SPLC is so blindly and irrationally devoted to the cause of so-called "gay rights" (sad wrongs), that it doesn't even matter if homosexuals continually offend black people by comparing black people to sexual deviates; i.e., by comparing the blacks' fight for their civil rights with the fight by people voluntarily engaging in sexually aberrant behaviors for their "rights."

(People may not choose their sexual orientations, but they DO choose their behaviors. In comparison, no one chose the skin color or gender they were born with. And what if someone is "born" a pedophile or "gay basher"? I doubt if homosexuals would conclude from that that we should therefore legalize pedophile sex or gay bashing. And what if people are born---because of their animal natures, because they share so many genes with animals---to have immoral animalistic desires? Animals kill, steal, are promiscuous, etc., etc., naturally. But you get the picture.)

So, we've reached the point where if you correctly say, for example, that male homosexuals have a significantly higher anal cancer rate, and you back that up with information from mainstream medical journals or even quotes from homosexual publications, you're automatically a hater---if you also believe homosexual activity is immoral.

The SPLC has little credibility nowadays amongst thinking people. It's apparently sold its soul. This is one organization that, while it once did some good, has evidently gone over to the dark side. It should be avoided like the plague.