
Liberals And "Intelligent Design"


Wayne Lela

In the ongoing debate over whether the theory of Intelligent Design (ID) should be presented in our schools' science curricula as a supplement or complement to the theory of evolution, one of the delicious ironies is the common complaint of ID opponents that ID proponents are mixing or confusing science and faith.

WHAT A HOOT!!! I'll bet many of these whiners have no problem with the faiths many morally benighted liberals promote as though they were based on science. For example, what about the faith or belief that homosexuals are born that way? Let's not let the fact that nobody has yet found a homosexual gene get in the way of our faith.

Or what about the faith or belief that homosexual orientations are not mental disorders? Let's not let the fact that there is plenty of evidence that homosexuality IS a mental disorder get in the way of our faith. (What evidence, you may be asking? How about the fact that many homosexuals were sexually molested when young? Or the fact that many homosexuals had emotionally distant and/or abusive or otherwise dysfunctional parents? Or the fact that some mental illnesses probably have genetic bases? Even if a homosexual gene exists, that wouldn't necessarily mean that homosexuality isn't a mental disorder. Indeed, since anyone with half a brain knows that humans were clearly designed for heterosexual phallic/vaginal sex, it seems only those people in serious denial of science would believe that homosexual orientations----so out of tune with our physiological natures----are NOT intrinsically disordered.)

Or what about the faith or belief that the "homosexual lifestyle" is basically just an alternative equivalent of heterosexuality, when considered from a health-conscious standpoint? Let's not let solid, contrary scientific facts get in the way of our faith. (What facts, you say? We know the anal cancer rate for male homosexuals is way above normal, and is connected to repeated tissue damage resulting from frequent unnatural anal sex. (Anal tissues are not as tough as vaginal tissues.) We also know anal sex is one of the easiest ways to transmit HIV. Moreover, we know the breast cancer rate for lesbians, and for women in general who never give birth and lactate (more evidence that an unnatural lifestyle, even for heterosexuals, can have negative consequences), is higher than normal. Furthermore, we know the average lifespan of homosexuals is significantly shorter than normal, even somewhat shorter than the average lifespan of smokers (whom liberals love to "discriminate" against), chiefly due to higher anal cancer and AIDS rates for male homosexuals and a higher breast cancer rate for lesbians.)

Or what about the faith or belief many liberal atheists have that there is no God? Let's not let the fact that nobody can prove there is no God get in the way of our faith. I'd like to see in the liberal media biting criticism of these faiths. Liberals have got to stop mixing or confusing science and faith.

Why are ID opponents quasi-pathologically afraid of the statistical fact that some forms of life are so complex that the odds of them arising by random or chance events are astronomically small? One has to be suspicious of their motives (and of their faith in extremely unlikely occurrences).

And to play fair, a note to ID proponents: One cannot logically jump to the conclusion that, even if life on this planet was intelligently designed, the designer had to be God. By denying the possibility that other mortal intelligent forms of life out there may have had a hand in designing life on this planet, you seriously weaken your case. If you deny that possibility, and do not even want it discussed in classrooms, you will be opposed by logical people.

The odds are overwhelmingly large that there is other intelligent life out there among the millions or billions of planets. What caused it (and what caused it who caused it, etc., etc., ad infinitum)? Who knows? But jumping to conclusions without proof is unreasonable and irresponsible and does everyone a disservice. Life is one enormous, astounding, fascinating mystery. We all, including the God-fearing and the Godless, should be honest enough to admit that.