
Narcissism Up, Relationships Down


Wayne Lela

A just-released study by a couple researchers at San Diego State University, Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, found that college students of today are significantly more self-centered and narcissistic than those of 1982. According to their report, the "self-­esteem" movement is the chief culprit. The authors note that narcissism can contribute to troubled interpersonal relationships (since relationships are more about "we" than "me"), which means another liberal idea (the "self-esteem" movement) is going to make being happily married more difficult. Is that merely an accident, a coincidence?

Liberals have already basically destroyed the black family. (In the past an overly generous and badly structured welfare system essentially made poor black fathers who stayed married to their wives not only expendable but made them impediments to those families receiving generous welfare benefits. So, many married black fathers left their families, and other black fathers never bothered to get married in the first place and didn't live with their children and their childrens' mothers. The black family has yet to recover from that liberal debacle. So many black children are born out-of-wedlock. So many young black men are in gangs and in prison. So many schools mostly populated by black children are failing. Is all this accidental, coincidental?)

Moreover, according to the liberal media, many teenagers nowadays are "hooking up" for sex (like hookers I guess). They get together with someone for sex with the understanding that there is no commitment, no emotional attachment, etc. So liberals, with their ideas that out-of-wedlock sex and promiscuous sex (as well as cohabitation) are okay, have taken away from people reasons to be married (and also contributed to an epidemic of STDs).

In addition, liberals, under the guise of trying to create more stable marriages, are pushing the idea that people should delay marrying until they are older and supposedly wiser. However, since ingrained habits are hard to change, isn't there logic to the view that the longer one is single the less likelihood that that single person will ever marry? Isn't there logic to the view that the more time one spends as a single adult---that the more time one has to settle in and adjust to the single life---the less incentive or motivation one has to marry (especially in this age of easy sex, pornography, etc.)? This whole "delay marriage" movement might actually just be a ploy by anti-family liberal Neanderthals to destroy marriage. Too, liberals, by over-regulating seemingly everything, are driving up the cost of everything, thereby putting financial pressures on families. (Gasoline and heating oil, for examples, are so expensive in this country partly because liberals have put so many restrictions on oil-drilling within our territorial boundaries.)

One has to almost conclude, based on the evidence, that liberals are trying to destroy marriage and family (though marriages and families consisting of heterophobic homosexuals seem to be okay). Liberals do admit they think we are overpopulated and families should be small (even if those families have to resort to abortion for emotional and/or financial reasons). But is there a further hidden agenda here?

Down through the years, polls have documented that a higher percentage of single people vote for liberal Democrats while a higher percentage of married people vote more conservatively. So, could it be that the hidden agenda behind all these pressures on the family liberals are piling on, could that agenda be nothing more than an effort to create more liberal voters? Considering how twisted the values of liberals are, we should be more than open to the possibility.