Innocent STD Victims


Wayne Lela

Both major Chicago newspapers have recently reported that four Chicago-area transplant patients have become infected with HIV from the very organs that helped them survive. According to the reports the organs came from a person who was known to have engaged in high-risk, unsafe sex. This brings to mind the estimated ten thousand American hemophiliacs who were infected with HIV back in the late 1970s/early 1980s via contaminated blood donated by infected homo/bisexuals. Most if not all of those hemophiliacs have long since passed away. And because of that catastrophe active homo/bisexuals are barred from donating blood.

(Those fanatically pro-homosexual people who back then were opposed to quarantining HIV-positive homo/bisexuals, when the disease was almost exclusively confined to their community and might possibly have been contained, could help make amends by tending to the graves of all those victimized hemophiliacs. And they may want to apologize profusely to the families of those hemophiliacs for the loss of their loved ones. And they may also want to eventually apologize to the innocent little babies who are born with AIDS, assuming those babies live long enough to reach the developmental stage where they can understand apologies. If AIDS was contained years ago, none of today's babies would have to deal with it.

(And those pro-homosexual people also could admit the utter absurdity of liberal propaganda which promotes the nonsensical idea that whatever happens in the privacy of one's bedroom is nobody else's business. AIDS, just in the homo/bisexual community---and approximately 45% of American AIDS victims thus far have been homo/bisexuals, has conservatively cost this country around 54 BILLION dollars to date. Some estimates are much higher---over a hundred billion.)

Another recent news item, this from the Centers for Disease Control, noted that more than one million cases of chlamydia were reported in the United States in 2006, the most ever reported for a sexually transmitted disease for one year. "Free love" has the potential to not be so "free," has the potential to bankrupt society due to the cost of various sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS, the high male homosexual anal cancer rate, the high lesbian breast cancer rate, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis A and B and C, syphilis, amoebiasis, giardiasis, herpes, etc.---all can be connected to physiologically unnatural lifestyles and/or unsafe sex. Liberals tend to be major practitioners of such sex. Liberal values are contributing to serious health problems in our society. But these Neanderthals will probably continue to try to take this country back thousands of years to Sodom or the ancient and decadent Graeco-Roman societies. Been there, done that. Let's progress, not regress. Aren't we supposed to learn from history?

Ah, a light bulb suddenly goes on. Yes, we are supposed to learn from history. But since many of our public schools are downplaying the importance of history, perhaps we should conclude there are certain inconvenient facts---inconvenient to liberals---they don't want us to learn. Like maybe the importance of traditional families. Hmmm...