The Case Against Homosexual Activity

The Case Against Homosexual Activity


Wayne Lela

Thoughtful people have deemed homosexual activity immoral for centuries. And they've had solid reasons for doing so. They didn't even need modern science. Now, modern science has provided us with even more reasons to resist normalizing homosexuality. However, you wouldn't know that from the liberal media. They are so determined to impose their radical values on society that they choose to censor numerous inconvenient facts. Due to that censorship, many people don't know the truth about homosexuality. In this piece, the unvarnished truth about homosexuality will be elucidated.

We know homosexuality is a negative deviation from the heterosexual norm. As such it sets a bad legal precedent which will eventually take us down a slippery slope to even more disordered deviations. For example, some countries which have normalized homosexuality have already legalized sex between a parent and his/her consenting-adult offspring. And there are all kinds of other sexually disordered people (e.g., exhibitionists, members of NAMBLA---a group devoted to man/boy sex, etc.) waiting for their "rights," who are encouraged by the "progress" homosexuals have made.

For decades the American Psychiatric Association considered homosexuality a disorder. Just like a female mind in a male body is a sure sign that something went wrong somewhere (in either nature and/or nurture), so a homosexual mind in a body obviously designed for heterosexual, male/female sex is likewise a disorder. Also, the fact that homosexuals are basically impotent with the opposite gender, the fact that they have no desire to engage in perfectly natural, phallic/vaginal, procreative sex, likewise clearly points to a disorder.

In addition, we have this admission from homosexual author Dennis Altman: "Undoubtedly for many homosexuals there is something threatening in the idea of intimacy with the other sex."1 One well-known homosexual, David Geffen, has conceded that he "was afraid of the opposite sex," according to biographer Tom King, a fellow homosexual.2 This fear of the opposite sex on the part of some (or all?) homosexuals also supports the view that homosexuality is a disorder.

(Yes, some years ago the APA reversed itself and removed homosexuality from its official list of disorders. But its decision was not based on science or logic. It caved in to intense pressure put on it by radical homosexual activists who disrupted APA meetings and threatened APA members. A good book on this subject is Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis by Dr. Ronald Bayer.)

Now, let's take a doctor who, upon examining a patient, discovers the patient has a problem like, say, gonorrhea or chlamydia but doesn't tell the patient. Reasonable people would say that doctor is engaging in unethical malpractice. Well that, in essence, is what the APA is doing re homosexuality. The APA is maintaining a disorder is not a disorder.

Modern science has also documented that certain diseases are associated with homosexual activity. For example, the anal cancer rate for male homosexuals is abnormally high.

Also, because male homosexuals frequently engage in unprotected anal sex (despite tons of warnings), and because the anal tissues tear much more easily than the tougher vaginal tissues, unprotected anal sex is one of the easiest ways to contract AIDS. So, we shouldn't be surprised to find the male homosexual AIDS rate to be abnormally high. This is more proof that there are real negative consequences to engaging in a physiologically unnatural lifestyle, and it's more solid evidence that homosexuality is a disorder.

The lesbian breast cancer rate is also above normal. Because lesbians don't engage in phallic/vaginal sex, many never get pregnant and so don't lactate. Lactation is protective against breast cancer. Again, this is evidence that living a physiologically unnatural lifestyle can have negative consequences.

Are there "gay genes"? Perhaps. But there also probably are genes which predispose us to violence, stealing, and promiscuity (all of which occur naturally in the animal kingdom), as well as genes connected to sickle cell anemia, autism, schizophrenia, etc. Nature is nowhere near perfect. It makes "mistakes." We should recognize the "mistakes" for what they are, not delude ourselves into thinking disorders are not disorders.

I've debated many homosexuals over the years and am stunned at how many of them hold this hypocritical and contradictory position: It is okay to "discriminate" against sexual deviants like exhibitionists (e.g., people who masturbate or have sex in public) and incestuous couples, even if these deviants are consenting adults and even if they aren't hurting anybody; but it is NOT okay to "discriminate" against homosexuals and bisexuals. They try to rationalize this absurd position by saying things like "Exhibitionists offend people." We can point out that millions of Americans and several billion people around the world are offended by homosexual activity, such as public homosexual kissing and hand-holding.

If we tolerate such deviations we will wind up with a confused and psychologically unhealthy society. Let us learn from history, from the decay and fall of the great Roman and Greek societies, which came to value debauchery. Once people depart from decent moral standards it is frequently all downhill after that.

All of the major arguments people use to defend homosexual activity are flawed. There is not enough space to illustrate those flaws here. But readers interested in learning more about them can visit the section of a website of a group I belong to. The website is, and the section is titled "The Case Against Homosexual Activity." Much of what is written above is derived from that section, which I helped compose.


1. Dennis Altman, The Homosexualization of America, the Americanization of the Homosexual (NY: St. Martin's Press, 1982), p. 222.

2. Tom King, "I am in love with Cher," Chicago Sun-Times, March 15, 2000, p. 50.