A Solid Case Against School-Based "Gay/Straight" Groups


Wayne Lela

If a high school in your area has approved the existence of a school-based "gay/straight" alliance, and you don't think the official sanctioning of such a group is an appropriate thing for the school to do, and you could use some solid arguments against that action, I humbly offer the following as a possible model letter to the school's principal.

Dear __________:

If you were approached by a small coterie of students who were into "swinging," who were into a sexually promiscuous lifestyle, and you were asked by these students to allow a school-sanctioned group dedicated to promoting the tolerance and/or acceptance of swinging, I doubt if you as principal would allow such a school-sanctioned group because it just wouldn't make any sense to do so. (And if you did decide to allow it, many parents would rightly and vociferously take issue with that decision.)

And I doubt if the following arguments, which the students might employ, would sway you. Argument one: other students ridicule them and call them names (e.g., "slut"). Two: due to argument one, their collective self-esteem is low and some of them are depressed and hurt themselves (e.g., cut themselves). And three: their desire to be promiscuous is natural (plenty of promiscuous sex occurs naturally throughout the animal kingdom).


While I can sympathize with the psychological pain some homosexual students may be experiencing, in my opinion that pain doesn't justify school-sanctioned GSAs. (Instead of GSAs I would prefer to see substituted what one might call "tolerance alliances" or "understanding alliances" where ALL students who may be experiencing psychological stress and feel the need for some support, EVEN THOSE STUDENTS MORALLY OPPOSED TO HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY, feel welcomed. Right now, the latter feel marginalized and somewhat oppressed by schools that single out homosexuals for special treatment.)

I understand your school has a GSA. It is relatively easy to prove that: One, the "homosexual lifestyle" is physiologically unnatural (even if it turns out to be psychologically natural for some)---humans were clearly designed to engage in phallic-vaginal sex, no matter who the "designer" is.

Two, that lifestyle is a very disease-ridden lifestyle (e.g., male homosexuals definitely have abnormally high anal cancer and AIDS rates, and lesbians have an abnormally high breast cancer rate, and due to those negative consequences of a physiologically unnatural lifestyle, the average lifespan of homosexuals is significantly shorter than normal).

And three, that disease-ridden lifestyle is unnecessarily costing this country around two billion dollars a year (voluntary unsafe sex by homosexuals and heterosexuals is a huge drain on this country's resources)---money we could be spending on starving children around the world, or on prescription drugs for indigent senior citizens, or we could give overburdened taxpayers some of their taxed money back, or etc., etc., etc.

In addition to all that, a very solid case can be made that homosexual activity is immoral and should not be approved by society. That case is based on science, logic, and natural law. Thinking people have known for centuries that homosexual activity is clearly a bad legal precedent. There are all kinds of other sexually aberrant people waiting in the wings for societal approval of their own particular sexual aberrations. Exhibitionism anyone? Exhibitionists could argue that they don't physically hurt anyone---an argument employed by homosexuals. And while exhibitionists offend people, millions of Americans and several billion people around the world are offended by homosexual activity, such as public homosexual kissing and hand-holding.

In sum, I think this whole pro-homosexual movement is a step backwards for society. Let's progress, not regress thousands of years to Sodom. Please discontinue your school-sanctioned GSA. Such a group is a step backward for the school.

Sincerely, _____________