Are The Inmates Running The Asylum?


Wayne Lela

The American Psychiatric Association is currently reviewing its 10-year-old policy which opposes any counseling that treats homosexuality as a mental illness. It is a policy that clearly deserves a review.

Let's consider the facts. First, we know many homosexuals were sexually abused when young. Indeed, there are so many more cases of sexual abuse than there are cases of homosexuality that sexual abuse can theoretically explain every case of homosexuality. Being a victim of sexual abuse is common enough among homosexuals (especially lesbians) that one of our first responses to someone who says they are homosexual should be to try and find out if that person was ever sexually abused, NOT to claim that person was born that way. (Not trying to ascertain whether a homosexual was abused is, in effect, letting some abusers get away with sexual abuse. And what kind of "people," what kind of "psychologists," want to let abusers get away with sexual abuse? Malpracticing psychologists.)

Second, we know many homosexuals had dysfunctional, emotionally distant parents (e.g., drug-addicted and/or alcoholic parents, or workaholic parents, etc.). NARTH, the National Association for Research and Therapy for Homosexuality, can provide you with much information on this subject.

And third, no one has found a so-called "gay gene" yet, though a desperate search is ongoing. Moreover, the existence of a "gay gene" would NOT automatically mean homosexuality isn't a mental illness anyway. Various mental illnesses, like schizophrenia, probably have genetic components.

Combine the above facts with this quote from homosexual author Dennis Altman: "Undoubtedly for many homosexuals there is something threatening in the idea of intimacy with the other sex" (The Homosexualization of America, the Americanization of the Homosexual, St. Martin's Press, 1982, p. 222); and this from homosexual biographer Tom King, who wrote in his biography of homosexual David Geffen that Geffen acknowledged that he "was afraid of the opposite sex" (Tom King, "I am in love with Cher," Chicago Sun-Times, March 15, 2000, p. 50).

We can easily conclude from the foregoing that there is more evidence that homosexuality IS a mental illness than there is evidence that it's not. And there is good evidence that homosexuals are heterophobic (and that when they label others homophobic they are just projecting a version of their own phobia onto others).

Put all of the above together with this plain fact---humans were clearly designed for heterosexual sex. (Without that sex we wouldn't have people. Without male sperm and female ova we wouldn't have homosexuals.) A "homosexual mind" (a homosexual orientation) in a body designed for heterosexual sex obviously indicates something went wrong somewhere---either nature made a genetic mistake and/or something went awry in the nurturing department.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the truth here. But for the liberally biased, and intellectually and morally challenged APA, political correctness and pro-homosexual prejudices trump science and common sense. The APA is a joke. It has little credibility.