
On The "Apostles" Of The Mentally Ill


Wayne Lela

U.S. News & World Report recently published an important and revealing article (in its Dec. 31, 2007/Jan. 7, 2008 edition) on the dubious American Psychiatric Association, titled "Who's Behind the Bible of Mental Illness." The article noted that the APA "will spend the next five years producing a new edition of the psychiatrist's 'bible,' the official guidebook for diagnosing mental problems" (page 25).

As to the current edition of that "bible" the article had this to say: "The most recent edition of the DSM [The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders], published in 1994, drew controversy because it turned what had once been a thin guidebook into an 886-page tome that significantly expanded the definition of mental illness. Traits once associated with shyness, for example, became symptoms of 'social anxiety disorder.' And drug companies went on to spend millions promoting medicines for those problems. Eyebrows were further raised in 2006 when a study showed that more than half of the researchers who had worked on the manual had at least one financial tie to the drug industry" (page 25).

One illustration of how discredited the APA is, is how it IGNORED ITS OWN CRITERIA in order to make the "politically correct" and unscientific decision to remove homosexuality from its approved list of mental disorders (while perversely adding relatively normal traits!!!).

According to the APA's own criteria, a mental disorder is something that causes "clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning." Now, if not being able to enjoy procreative sex---that is, if not having the desire to engage in physiologically natural sex---is not a major impairment in social functioning, I don't know what is. At the very least, a homosexual mind in a heterosexual body---in a body obviously designed for man/woman sex---is a sure sign to thinking people that something went wrong somewhere.

If we add to the equation the documented fact that many homosexuals were sexually abused when young and/or had seriously dysfunctional parents, we can see the evidence for homosexuality being a mental disorder piling up---WHETHER OR NOT THERE IS A SO-CALLED "GAY GENE." There is strong evidence that disorders like schizophrenia have genetic components. The existence of a "gay gene" would be just proof that---and this seems to be a news flash for pro-homosexual people---nature is nowhere near perfect. Nature makes mistakes. For example, we know some families and races are more prone to certain diseases than other families and races. Such is nature.

The APA either needs to be disbanded or significantly reformed. Psychiatrists need to be persuaded to stop funding the APA until it is reformed. If the APA refuses to be reformed, psychiatrists should instead fund a substitute organization that places science, logic, and natural law above political correctness and wayward ideology. We need to start using whatever leverage we have over psychiatrists to nudge them into reforming or defunding the APA. The APA has squandered its authority to tell everyone what is or is not a mental disorder. It doesn't deserve that much power. It doesn't deserve any power.