
The Brave New World Order


Wayne Lela

Picture an imaginary world where fanatic, radical, and judgmental liberal bigots hold sway; who preach or teach the "religion" of moral relativism, but who hypocritically treat their own values almost as if they were moral absolutes; where:

1) One can lose one's job for merely stating the well-documented scientific fact that the brains of men and women are structurally different and reasonably opining that those differences may help explain why women seem to be better than men at certain tasks and men better than women at other tasks.

2) One can be harassed and prosecuted under so-called "hate speech" laws for merely stating, in print or verbally, the well-documented scientific fact that the "homosexual lifestyle" is an abnormally disease-ridden lifestyle, that, for example, male homosexuals have a high anal cancer rate and lesbians have a high breast cancer rate precisely because of their physiologically unnatural lifestyles.

3) Social service organizations like the Boy Scouts are discriminated against and persecuted.

4) Clergy can be prosecuted for preaching from the Bible.

5) Conservative students in English classes assigned to do writing projects (e.g., book reports) can be threatened with failing grades or even expulsion---NOT because of the quality of the writing---but for presenting "politically incorrect" ideas in a favorable light.

6) Conservative college newspapers are hatefully vandalized.

7) "Mainstream" news organizations actively censor "politically incorrect" ideas in their articles, columns, letters to the editor, etc.

8) Those people dedicated to the vital job of defending our precious freedoms---e.g., the armed forces, ROTC, etc.---are routinely vilified for not toeing the "politically correct" line.

Needless to say, this imaginary world---this oppressive, fascist world in which great social pressure is brought to bear on people to accept bizarre liberal prejudices OR ELSE---is not so imaginary. At the moment, this country is perched somewhere between committing itself to such a nightmare world and rejecting it. Those of us in touch with reason---as opposed to those who operate from "feelings" or emotions---need to get involved in a major way with helping this country decide which way it will go: down the path to demented totalitarianism or the path to a sane society.