Documents & References

Publications from the project

Ferrand, N., Farolfi, S., Abrami, G., Du Toit, D. 2009, WAT-A-GAME: sharing water and policies in your own basin. ISAGA conference. Singapour : SSAGSG.

Other relevant publications

Magombeyi, M.S., Rollin, D., Lankford, B.A. (2008). The river basin game as a tool for collective water management at community level in South Africa, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C (33) 873-880.

Barreteau, O., Le Page, C., Perez P.,  Contribution of simulation and gaming to natural resource management

Other similar games

NB purely computer based games are excluded

Please use "comments" to propose links to other games !

Companion Modelling applications on water (french) (on : eau.htm)

The Watershed Game (

AgLand Game (

Hydropoly (

River Basin Game (


Dos Rios (

WALRUS 1 : amazing pretty old game Lego based (

Rivermed (french) (