WAG Courses

We organise regular free training courses around Wat-A-Game. Different formats are already available.

You will find some content following the links to the courses.

Please contact us for more details and information about future training courses. 

Supporting multi-level participatory management with WAG (0.5 to 1 day)

The objective of this course is to provide participants with some general knowledge of multi-level participatory management and give them a feeling of the WAG platform by having them playing INI-WAG or MINI-WAG

Introduction to WAG (2 days)

The objective of this course is to provide participants with the necessary basis to develop a pedagogic or operationel project using WAG on a specific territory. The course is articulated around the conception of a game on a given simplified concrete case. It is well suited to project managers who could be interested in WAG : territorial facilitators, teachers, NGO workers, elected representatives. 

Create your own catchment (5 days)

The objective of this course is to train the participant in being autonomous is using the WAG platform. The course is articulated around the conception of a game on a case study chosen at the beginning of the course. 

Multi-level participatory water management (5 days)

The objective of this course is twofold : providing participants with backgroung information on theories and tooles of multi-level participatory management, and thoroughly introducing WAG as a support tool for multi-level participatory management. The course is articulated around the use of strategic planning tools and of the WAG platform for conceiving a prototypal game on a case study chosen at the beginning of the course. 

This extensive module of course has been implemented in the Afromaison project to fully transfer capacity to local case study manager to design, animate and evaluate his own game process. 

It includes all issues from structuring knowledge to data management, participatory process engineering and actual production of the dedicated game version (CREA-WAG)

Previous courses and participants

We keep a record of our previous courses in the list below.

Because they form the cement of the WAG community, we keep also a record of the participants to these courses here.

WAG Courses – Page de liste de la version classique de Sites