South-Africa AFROMAISON CS : Enkangala grasslands / Drakensberg

Local partner : INR (Institute of Natural Resources)

Main issue : Water quality of the region due to various activities that contribute to land degradation, soil erosion and siltation of rivers and dams

WAG application : The WAG simulation platform developped for the AFROMAISON focuses on a subcatchment of the CS : the Okhahlamba District Municipality (downscaling of the CS area). This region is an ideal representative for the case study as it includes all the main elements included in the Afromaison project. All the key biophysical elements are in the region such as commercial farming areas, rural subsistence farming areas, protected areas, towns, settlements and dams, while social aspects of political instability, poverty and unemployment also feature within the OKhahlamba District Municipality

Afrowager : Sian Waldron is in charge of developping the WAG simulation platform for the South African CS. Sian is currently completing her masters in social science at the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. In 2011, she completed her honours degree in Geography and Environmental Management Sciences. She is developing a WAG for the OKhahlamba District Municipality, located in the western region of KwaZulu Natal. The game will form part of Sian’s masters, focusing on the use of RPGs as a tool for water management and soil conservation.

To know more about the Enkangala Grasslands case study : check AFROMAISON website


photo credits : UNESCO-IHE, AFROMAISON, Géraldine Abrami, Sian Waldron

text adapted from Sian Waldron reporting.