Australia WAG Tour 2013
In the context of the :
The French Embassy in Canberra and the Institut Français, under management of the Australian National University (Katherine Daniell), have supported a one week tour of Alliance Française and francophone schools in Australia.
General presentation
Perth, monday 25 nov 2013
Café Scientifique with Alliance Française de Perth (Thank's to its Director Carine Bougnague) and Edith Cowan University (Thank's to Geoff Syme).
Small but quality attendance !
1. Presentation
2. Simple game with self-modeling and exploration
3. Discussion and drinks
Sydney, tuesday 26 nov and wednesday 27 nov 2013
At French International School Condorcet with the support of its principals Philippe Courjault and Philippe Platiau, and its scientific correspondent Sophie Scheurer, and the help of Katherine Daniell from ANU, we have animated sessions for 7 classes and a total of 15 game sessions, for almost 140 (!!!) kids age 8 to 12 (CM1, CM and 6ème in the French school system).
1. Introduction and discussion of the water cycle
2. Discussing water uses
3. Setting and playing a simple catchment
4. Adding money, dam, and monitoring
5. Discussing results
<<< photos to be included >>>
Canberra, friday 29 nov 2013
--> Short seminar at ICAM ANU with Tony Jakeman team on WAG and the Afromaison WAG+COOPLAN process
* Telopea Park High School (French-Australian International High School) --> 9 tables of 5 pupils age 14-16 (Y9) with:
- movie presentation
- short discussion on water uses
- game introduction
- 5 rounds played on a simple river with money and dam
- debrieffing on pollution and other issues
Café Scientifique at Alliance Française de Canberra
A 2h session with 40 participants (8 tables) very active and engaged in the discussion and the game !
* Introduction to game design and game use for water management
* Game session (long with 4 rounds, a dam, money and monitoring)
* Inventing regulation policy and discussing it