CappWag is a product from the PhD of Sarah Loudin and was design
To go futher on the evaluative theoretical framework behind CappWag: the capability approach
A capability is a "being" or "doing" available to a person or group of people (Sen 2000; Pelenc, Bazile, and Ceruti 2015). The figure below presents the main concepts of the capability approach.
The different elements from the CappWAG tool can be downloaded here.
To contact Sarah : sarah.loudin[at]
ed at the UMR G-EAU (IRSTEA Montpellier, France). It was developed as a method for evaluating the effects of a participatory process on participants, both at the individual and collective levels. It is based on the theoretical analysis framework of the capability approach, developed by the economist Amartya Sen (see below).
CappWag is based on an eponymous role-playing game. The game involves groups of individuals confronted to a situation of collective management of a river or a lake. It is coupled with a questionnaire and a debriefing. Game observations and discussions are used to assess one individual and two collective capabilities of participants related to collective water management.
The current version of CappWag has been set up on case studies in France and in Tunisia, as part of Sarah's thesis. The manuscript will be available soon !
The transformation of a capability into an achieved action depends on the choice, the interests, the objectives of an individual or a group of individuals. In the case of a group, this choice must be approved by all its members.
Pelenc, Jérôme, Didier Bazile, and Cristian Ceruti. 2015. “Collective Capability and Collective Agency for Sustainability: A Case Study.” Ecological Economics 118: 226–239.
Sen, Amartya. 2000. Development as Freedom. Reprint. New York: Anchor.