

Uganda is located in East Africa. It is situated between Kenya, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania.



Source :

General description

-          Uganda :

Area : 241 550,7 km2

Swamps cover : 41 743.2 km2

National Parc : 100 000 ha

Land area : 199 807.4 km2

Cultivated area : 99 018.4 km2


Uganda is a country of 31,8 million habitants which is facing a rapid rise of the population. About 80% of this population is situated in rural zones. Agriculture is one of the main componant of the national economy providing 90% of the exportations with products like tea, cocoa, cofee.

The Constitution integrates the Right to a clean environment. But Uganda is gacing environmental problems such as industry no respectful of environment and a lack of knowledge from population. So, they continue to have bad behaviours like intense deforestation.Rwenzori region is very concerned by such problems which affects the water quality. While they technically have enought water they are seriously affected by the bad quality which lead to health problems.

This region is located at the Equator, it has a tropical climate. It is composed of mountains (hight:5200 meters), glaciers, rivers, lakes and wetlands. A national park with a high biodiversity of flora and fauna is located in the middle of this region. Indeed, this region has a high potential for aquaculture.

The largest city is Fortpal. It is noted that (200,000).  The city has a system of treatment and drinking water. However,  wastewater is collected but  not cleared.

The food industry and commercials farms are present in the area. There are also small farmers.

A dam was constructed for hydroelectric power.


Main issue / objective

General Objective

Promote sustainable development throught managment of natural, social and economical ressources.

Specific objectives

Spatial schema

Actors-resources schema

Strategies proposed

Actors-actions table

ugandaaaaaaaaa 2

Game structure


map rwenzori.pptx



_________ : Mpanga river

fishermen villages


The roles

·         City dwellers

There are several activities based specially in the city.

You can be car washers, brick makers, sandminers, you can also practice poaching and charcoal burning.


·         Smallholders farmers

There are different activities to get incomes.

Such as charcoal burning, fishing, sandmining.

Location: everywhere in the catchment.


·         Commercial farmer

The objective is to develop a great activities and need of a great surface.

Location: everywhere except in National Park.

·         Dam manager

Production of  electricity in middle stream.

·         NGO

Environment  action.  Non profit making


·         Urban tourism company

There are different jobs you can be a town agency,hotel, shop owners .

Above all  in urban center but also working in national park.

·         Environment managing

To protect and control the environment and maintain the city. they taxe the biggest polluting activities.





Game’s rule : process.

Setting up

The game is happening within a year.

Each sector has safe environmental potential.  In each area, there are different economical activities, such as commercial farming, stakeholders… they only impact their activities area.

In the game there are two different environmental potential:

-          Safe environmental

-          Bad environmental (pollution)

Each player has a role with three different actions. Before the start of the game, in the available resources box: 20 units environment:

-           in upstream there is 5 units

-          In middle stream there is 10 units

-          In downstream there is 5 units

 . At the beginning of the game, each player receives:

-          12 money units to pay his needs.

-          12 work units that he will turn into money at the end of one game.

-          2 environmental resource units and biodiversity needs.

To provide his work supply once over, he can buy work unit by money unit. One money unit equal 2 work units. The location of action card is written behind it.


First, each player has to pay and to work to manage his activities and provide economy around the Mpanga watershed.

If an activity card needs less than two environment units, the player put in the box the remaining environment unit.

If an activity card doesn’t have enough environmental unit resource at the beginning the gamer must take in the box environmental or pollution resources.

For information, you can use pollution unit to run and to complete your environmental needs.

Activity card, generate different resources as output:

Money, Pollution, Environmental resource.

If a gamer is a dam management, he has ti regulate at least of quarter the volume of river’s flow, and if nobody manage the dam, it is necessary to release one half the flow.

Each player receives his money at the end of the round. When you do not have any more work unit you need to buy it. As your work bank unit goes down, it means your health capital decreases because of the general pollution so you need to save money to keep on working and to stay alive so as the players have to preserve the environment.

Each year , at any time of the game ,of decision-maker can change the game by introduction a special event. It will be whether a water pollution whether an epidemic. The player will have to react to that and according to it give a unit of the concerning resource.

From the moment, an area hasn’t got enough environment unity the others parts  get one more pollution unity because the pollution is  extending  itself along the MPanga river .

 now you play!


Evaluation session