WAG Developers

Derick DU TOITEarly contributor of WAGDerick du Toit is a South African who studied Natural Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand and specialising in Ecology. He holds postgraduate degree in evolutionary ecology and a higher diploma in science education. He specialises in environmental learning and also holds a Masters in environmental education  from Rhodes University, South Africa. Derick has worked on education reform in both Namibia and South Africa. He has worked as a technical advisor to both Departments of Education and is author of 14 books for teachers.   He currently works with the Association for Water and Rural Development (AWARD) in South Africa as project manager.

Derick has been an early contributor in the development of WAG as the project manager of the Sand River South African case study which was used as a test bed for WAG development.


Developper assistant of WAG

Albena Popova graduated her master degree in Anthropology Department of Sofia University, Bulgaria. She has been involved as a facilitator in the case studies of two European projects (Aquastress, PEER). A. Popova was delegated to be a field assistant of CIRAD and Cemagref, UMR G-EAU in Sand River Catchment, South Africa to test a collaborative modelling and simulation framework called Wat-A-Game. She facilitated a study course on WAG in the ECHEL-Eau Project closing conference in Niamey, Niger in December 2009.

Albena is assisting occasionally WAG development since mid-2009

Stefano FAROLFIEarly contributor of WAGStefano Farolfi is a senior economist at the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD). He holds a PhD from the University of Padova (Italy) and a professorship in economics from the University of Montpellier I (France). He is currently a Professor at the University Eduardo Mondlane, where he is the Scientific Director of the International Center for Water Economics and Governance in Africa (IWEGA). He holds an international fellowship at the Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy in Africa (CEEPA) of the University of Pretoria, where he was residential fellow from 2002 to 2009 coordinating a number of projects on water governance and management and teaching courses of environmental economics and policy. Stefano collaborated with Nils on early developments of WAG in 2008 and has been a contributor of the WAG project ever since.

Heleen DE FOOIJIntern from University of Twente from Nov 2010 to March 2011 Heleen conducted her bachelor thesis in the WAG team on the following topic : "Wat-A-Game : modelling a participatory role-playing game". She did contribute in formalizing WAG element grammars and developing a systematic protocol for designing a WAG specific application. Her thesis can be downloaded here.





Inter from Oxford University in 2011

Alyona conducted her Master of Science in Environmental Change and Management thesis in the WAG team on the following topic : "Designing and pre-testing of experimental protocols to assess the impact of role playing games in water management".  She did contribute in the finalization of the INI-WAG kit by designing an experimental protocol for the use of INI-WAG. Her thesis can be downloaded here.

Jean-Emmanuel ROUGIER

Contributor to WAG development

Jean-Emmanuel Rougier is a cofounder of Lisode company


Project Manager for the Wet-Wag application

Senior researcher in economy in UMR GEAU

François MILHAU

Intern in 2009

He worked on the Wet-WAG application

Clément MURGUE

Assistant for the Wet-WAG application in 2009 and 2010


Project manager for the WAG-Orb application.

Mathieu Dionnet is a cofounder of Lisode company.

Sarah Pariente

Assistant in the WAG-Orb application.